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Brenno Lemos edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 27 revisions

How do I add multiple instances of a module?

Have a look here: Multiple instances of a module

The Workspace-Buttons have a strange hover effect

It's not a bug, the original issue #60.

But if you don't like the effect you can disable it by adding the following snippet to your style.css:

#workspaces button:hover {
    box-shadow: inherit;
    text-shadow: inherit;

Additionally, to remove all hover effects from workspaces, add the following in addition to the above:

#workspaces button:hover {
    background: <original-color>;
    border: <original-color>;
    padding: 0 3px;

How can I generate a debug build?

A debug build can be helpfull when fixing bugs, because it generates a backtrace with debugging symbols.

This can be done with:

make build-debug

The icons from the default configuration aren't rendered

You need to install otf-font-awesome. See here on how to install the Font Awesome OTF package.

How do I display text?

Create a Custom module with the format field specified with your text.

How can I prevent modules from changing size? (aka. fixed-width modules, and monospace fonts)

First make sure to set a monospace font:

* {
    font-family: monospace;

Then change the module format so that it stays at a fixed width. Waybar uses fmt for formatting so the following syntax is an example of how to set the CPU percentage to be at least 2 characters wide:

"format": "{usage:2}%"

The fmt library has two issues. First it provides no way to set the maximum length of a field, only the minimum length. So expect width changes when the text becomes longer than the minimum width. This can be partially worked around with the max-lengthparameter. See

The second issue concerns floating point numbers. Waybar comes with a custom formatter that enforces a fixed width for them (network bandwidth, disk usage, etc). You need to specify either >, <, or = as format modifier. This will align the number as requested and make it fixed width. See for details, examples and limitations.

A last but painful issue arises with pango/cairo font rendering for custom glyphs (Font Awesome icons, most probably). Cairo keeps the font used for the last non-whitespace character to render the next whitespaces. This means that the two next lines, despite containing the same number of characters, will not render with the same width.

         10 spaces
  2 leading spaces

You can either move all your icons at the end of the module, so that they have no following spaces to alter, or use pango-specific markup around all the icons, like this: <span font=\"Font Awesome 5 Free\"></span>. This forces cairo to return to the default font when leaving the <span> and avoids using spaces of the wrong kind. You may experience improvements as seems to work against that.

How to use with Sway?

You can use Waybar by defining in your Sway config file:

bar {
    swaybar_command waybar

or at the end of your sway config file

exec waybar

How can I temporarily hide the bars?

You can toggle the visibility of the bars with:

killall -SIGUSR1 waybar

How can I reload the configuration without restarting waybar?

Only works on waybar after version v0.9.5

killall -SIGUSR2 waybar

Workspace buttons are too wide with some GTK themes

In certain GTK themes, the button.text-button.flat element's min-width property is assigned a large value. You can override it in waybar's style.css

#workspaces button {
  min-width: 20px;

My Slider doesn't show/looks small/doesn't work properly

Like all widgets in GTK, its width and height is determined in CSS. However, in a surprising turn, it's ever more important that you style your slider widget, otherwise its width and height will be close to 0, and it won't work properly when dragging around. It's worth noting that only the trough CSS Node actually requires any minimum height or width.

Try this if you're experiencing issues with sliders:

#pulseaudio-slider trough, #backlight-slider trough {
    min-height: 10px;
    min-width: 80px;
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