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Ash edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 14 revisions

The cpu module displays the current cpu utilization.


Addressed by cpu

option typeof default description
interval integer 10 The interval in which the information gets polled.
format string {usage}% The format, how information should be displayed. Data in {} gets inserted (see below).
max-length integer The maximum length in character the module should display.
rotate integer Positive value to rotate the text label.
states array A number of cpu usage states which get activated on certain usage levels.
See States
on-click string Command to execute when clicked on the module.
on-click-middle string Command to execute when you middle clicked on the module using mousewheel.
on-click-right string Command to execute when you right clicked on the module.
on-scroll-up string Command to execute when scrolling up on the module.
on-scroll-down string Command to execute when scrolling down on the module.
smooth-scrolling-threshold double Threshold to be used when scrolling.
tooltip bool true Option to enable tooltip on hover.

Format replacements:

string replacement
{load} Current cpu load.
{usage} Current cpu usage (% view).
{usageN} Nth cpu core usage (% view).
{icon} Current cpu usage (icon view).
{iconN} Nth cpu core usage (icon view).
{avg_frequency} Current cpu average frequency (based on all cores) in GHz.
{max_frequency} Current cpu max frequency (based on the core with the highest frequency) in GHz.
{min_frequency} Current cpu min frequency (based on the core with the lowest frequency) in GHz.


"cpu": {
    "interval": 10,
    "format": "{}% ",
    "max-length": 10
"cpu": {
     "format": "{icon0} {icon1} {icon2} {icon3} {icon4} {icon5} {icon6} {icon7}",
     "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],

Using PangoMarkupFormat:

"cpu": {
     "interval": 1,
     "format": "{icon0}{icon1}{icon2}{icon3}{icon4}{icon5}{icon6}{icon7}",
     "format-icons": [
          "<span color='#69ff94'>▁</span>", // green
          "<span color='#2aa9ff'>▂</span>", // blue
          "<span color='#f8f8f2'>▃</span>", // white
          "<span color='#f8f8f2'>▄</span>", // white
          "<span color='#ffffa5'>▅</span>", // yellow
          "<span color='#ffffa5'>▆</span>", // yellow
          "<span color='#ff9977'>▇</span>", // orange
          "<span color='#dd532e'>█</span>"  // red


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