Releases: Anders-Holst/xled_plus
Upgrade to ColorControl for interactive creation of effects
Significantly upgraded ColorControl, the interactive GUI for making it easier to create you own dynamic color effects.
It is now possible to handle several devices, to save and load the created effects, and to dynamically see what happens to the effect when colors are changed.
Added ColorControl for interactive pattern creation
Added ColorControl, an interactive GUI for making it easier to create you own dynamic color
effects, based on the 3D color picker and a selection of previously defined effect types.
When started it launches a window in which you can first create a color scheme,
then select the wanted effect type, and finally upload it to the leds.
Minor fixes
Minor bugfix in (missing parenthesis) and adjustments for pupi
Some minor adjustments and better support for grouped devices
Minor adjustments to:
And better support for grouped devices:
Adjustments to highcontrol and multicontrol
Adjustments to highcontrol and multicontrol
Daily effect 31
Added December 31 effect
Daily effect 30
Added December 30 effect, and multicontrol, and show_text
Daily effect 29
Added December 29 effect, and RunningText
Daily effect 28
Added December 28 effect
Daily effect 27
Added December 27 effect