- software_update: Add scrollable changelog #184 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- phases: show configuration progress bar #187 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- configuration_sequence: improve INS_LOG_BAT_MASK and change it more #109 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- documentation_frame: display mandatory level as a progress bar #199 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- templates: Added a Holybro X650 with LTE template #201 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- translation: Translate the entire program to japanese #201 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- vehicle_components: validate the vehicle_components.json file against a JSON schema #203 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- translations: added translate some missing japanese translations #204 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- translations: complete japanese translation #205 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- parameter_editor: allow editing bitmask values numerically #109 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
Bug Fixes
- configuration_steps: the phases information is optional #190 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- flightcontroller: correct board properties when board metadata is not available #190 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- forced_parameters: bitmasks must ignore tolerance #109 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- configuration_steps: disable the fast harmonic notch logging bit #198 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- configuration_steps: the MOT_BAT_VOLT_* parameters typo #209 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- tempcal_imu: fix a bug in the constrain function. #217 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- first_flight: add more information on output oscillations during the first flight. (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- screenshots: update screenshot with new progress bar feature #190 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- screenshots: Added check for software updates screenshots (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- credits: give credits to Inno Setup (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- ui: Be consistent in LabelFrame thickness, add "vehicle" to project selection labels #196 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
Code Refactoring
- tempcal_imu: to make testing simpler #217 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- software_update: remove tests that fail when running in CI #184 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- configuration_steps: validate configuration_steps_*.json against the JSON schema #190 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- flightcontroller: add assertion-based pytest tests #203 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- tempcal_imu: add pytests #217 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- windows: remove the outdated version.txt files #201 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- windows: fix git hash storage potential issues #201 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- deps: bump pytest from 8.3.4 to 8.3.5 #209 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump types-requests #209 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump pyright from 1.1.394 to 1.1.396 #209 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump ruff from 0.9.7 to 0.9.9 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump pylint from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 (dependabot[bot])
- deps: bump setuptools from 75.8.0 to 75.8.2 (dependabot[bot])
Continuous Integration
- github-actions: bump slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.2.2 (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump actions/download-artifact (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump renovatebot/github-action (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request (dependabot[bot])
- dependabot: Do not include the scope twice in the commit message (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- windows_build: Improve signature verification and SLSA provenance #202 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- translations: fix missing translations string extraction corner cases and add tests #205 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- scorecard: fix invalid artifact filename (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- dependabot: the git commit message scope can not be in the prefix #209 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- github-actions: bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.1.2 to 3.8.1 (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump djdefi/gitavscan (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump astral-sh/setup-uv from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 (dependabot[bot])
- github-actions: bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.3.1 to 2.4.1 (dependabot[bot])
- dependabot: include scope in git commit message (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- scorecard: disable uploading results in SARIF format as it requires a token #218 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- github-actions: Harden GitHub Actions (StepSecurity Bot) #186
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- deps: merge translation string(s) to existing .po files #185 (amilcarlucas)
- translation: Updated translation .mo files from the .po files (github-actions[bot])
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- deps: merge translation string(s) to existing .po files #188 (amilcarlucas)
- ui: Improve error message when XML not available (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- deps: merge translation string(s) to existing .po files #189 (amilcarlucas)
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- deps: merge translation string(s) to existing .po files #197 (amilcarlucas)
- translation: Updated translation .mo files from the .po files (github-actions[bot])
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- translate: remove scripts that do not work and cause problems #201 (Dr.-Ing. Amilcar do Carmo Lucas)
- translation: Extracted i18n strings to ardupilot_methodic_configurator/locale/ardupilot_methodic_configurator.pot (github-actions[bot])
- translation: Updated translation .mo files from the .po files #204 (github-actions[bot])
- release: Bump version info, tag and release (github-actions[bot])