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CloudBread를 사용하여 Flappy Bird 게임에 서버 구축 3. API 사용하기
YoonSeok Hong edited this page Oct 22, 2016
6 revisions
Facebook에서 UserID와 이름을 가져와서 CloudBread 서버에 등록하기 CBInsRegMember API 호출 (PostMan 참고)
유효한 사용자이면, 게임 화면으로 넘어가기
- CBInsRegMember API호출 시, 새로 가입 된 사용자 응답
"result": "2"
- CBInsRegMember API호출 시, 중복된 사용자(이미 가입된 사용자)
status : 500 Internal Server Error
CloudBread.cs 파일에 CloudBread 서버에 회원 등록을 하기 위해 CBInsRegMember API 를 호출하도록 구현
public void CBInsRegMember(Action<string, WWW> callback)
var ServerEndPoint = ServerAddress + "api/CBInsRegMember";
WWWHelper helper = WWWHelper.Instance;
helper.OnHttpRequest += OnHttpRequest;
MemberData memberData = new MemberData
MemberID_Members = (string)PlayerPrefs.GetString("userId"),
EmailAddress_Members = (string)PlayerPrefs.GetString("userId"),
Name1_Members = (string)PlayerPrefs.GetString("nickName")
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter();
string jsonBody = jsonWriter.Write(memberData);
helper.POST("CBInsRegMember", ServerEndPoint, jsonBody);
Callback = callback;
FacebookLoginScript.cs 의 Login 콜백 함수에서 바로 CBInsRegMember 호출
private void Callback_login(string id, WWW www)
string resultJson = www.text;
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader();
AuthData resultData = jsonReader.Read<AuthData>(resultJson);
// Azure 인증을 위해 발급받은 Azure Token 을 헤더에 추가
AzureMobileAppRequestHelper.AuthToken = resultData.authenticationToken;
// 게임에서 사용 할 userId 를 PlayerPrefs 에 저장
PlayerPrefs.SetString("userId", resultData.user.userId);
// CBInsRegMember 함수를 사용하여 CloudBread 에 memberId 등록하기
CloudBread cb = new CloudBread();
public void Callback_CBInsRegMember(string id, WWW www)
if (www.error != null) //새로 회원 가입
print("이미 가입된 회원");
else //이미 가입된 회원
print("새로 가입한 회원");
FacebookLoginScript.cs 스크립트 완성
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Facebook.Unity;
using Assets.Scripts.CloudBread;
using JsonFx.Json;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class FacebookLoginScript : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
// Awake function from Unity's MonoBehavior
void Awake()
if (!FB.IsInitialized)
// Initialize the Facebook SDK
FB.Init(InitCallback, OnHideUnity);
else {
// Already initialized, signal an app activation App Event
private void InitCallback()
if (FB.IsInitialized)
// Signal an app activation App Event
// Continue with Facebook SDK
// ...
else {
Debug.Log("Failed to Initialize the Facebook SDK");
private void LoginwithPermissions()
var perms = new List<string>() { "public_profile", "email", "user_friends" };
FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(perms, AuthCallback);
private void AuthCallback(ILoginResult result)
if (FB.IsLoggedIn)
// AccessToken class will have session details
var aToken = Facebook.Unity.AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken;
// Print current access token's User ID
// Print current access token's granted permissions
foreach (string perm in aToken.Permissions)
// 유저 이름(닉네임) 불러오기
FB.API("me?fields=name", HttpMethod.GET, NameCallBack);
// 인증 토큰 가져오기
CloudBread cb = new CloudBread();
cb.Login(AzureAuthentication.AuthenticationProvider.Facebook, aToken.TokenString, Callback_login);
else {
Debug.Log("User cancelled login");
private void Callback_login(string id, WWW www)
string resultJson = www.text;
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader();
AuthData resultData = jsonReader.Read<AuthData>(resultJson);
AzureMobileAppRequestHelper.AuthToken = resultData.authenticationToken;
PlayerPrefs.SetString("userId", resultData.user.userId);
CloudBread cb = new CloudBread();
public void Callback_CBInsRegMember(string id, WWW www)
if (www.error != null) //새로 회원 가입
print("이미 가입된 회원");
else //이미 가입된 회원
print("새로 가입한 회원");
public void StartGame()
private void NameCallBack(IGraphResult result)
string userName = (string)result.ResultDictionary["name"];
print(userName + "님 안녕하세요^^");
PlayerPrefs.SetString("nickName", userName);
private void OnHideUnity(bool isGameShown)
if (!isGameShown)
// Pause the game - we will need to hide
Time.timeScale = 0;
else {
// Resume the game - we're getting focus again
Time.timeScale = 1;
public void FacebookLoginBtnClick()
if (!FB.IsLoggedIn)
ScoreManagerScript.cs 파일 열기
게임 끝났을 때, CBComUdtMmberGameInfoes 호출을 위해, GameState가 Dead 일 때 추가하기
CBComUdtMmberGameInfoes API 호출을 위해 MemberGameInfo 클래스 생성 (PostMan 참조)
CloudBread 클래스에 CBComUDTMemberGameInofes 호출 구현
public void CBComUdtMemberGameInfoes(Action<string, WWW> callback)
var ServerEndPoint = ServerAddress + "api/CBComUdtMemberGameInfoes";
WWWHelper helper = WWWHelper.Instance;
helper.OnHttpRequest += OnHttpRequest;
MemberGameInfo gameinfoData = new MemberGameInfo
MemberID = (string)PlayerPrefs.GetString("userId"),
Level = 2,
Points = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("bestScore")
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter();
string jsonBody = jsonWriter.Write(gameinfoData);
helper.POST("CBComUdtMemberGameInfoes", ServerEndPoint, jsonBody);
Callback = callback;
class MemberGameInfo
public string MemberID;
public int Level = 0;
public int Exps = 0;
public int Points = 0;
public string UserSTAT1;
public string UserSTAT2;
public string UserSTAT3;
public string UserSTAT4;
public string UserSTAT5;
public string UserSTAT6;
public string UserSTAT7;
public string UserSTAT8;
public string UserSTAT9;
public string UserSTAT10;
public string sCol1;
public string sCol2;
public string sCol3;
public string sCol4;
public string sCol5;
public string sCol6;
public string sCol7;
public string sCol8;
public string sCol9;
public string sCol10;
- ScoreManagerScript 에서 CBComDUTMemberGameInfoes 호출하기
기존에는 항상 게임 상태와 상관없이 항상 Update 되던 함수를 게임 플레이 중인 모드와 게임이 죽었을 때 모드로 분리
if (GameStateManager.GameState == GameState.Playing)
if (previousScore != Score) //save perf from non needed calculations
if (Score < 10)
//just draw units
Units.sprite = numberSprites[Score];
else if (Score >= 10 && Score < 100)
(Tens.gameObject as GameObject).SetActive(true);
Tens.sprite = numberSprites[Score / 10];
Units.sprite = numberSprites[Score % 10];
else if (Score >= 100)
(Hundreds.gameObject as GameObject).SetActive(true);
Hundreds.sprite = numberSprites[Score / 100];
int rest = Score % 100;
Tens.sprite = numberSprites[rest / 10];
Units.sprite = numberSprites[rest % 10];
else if (GameStateManager.GameState == GameState.Dead)
게임 상태가 죽었을 때(GmaeStateManage.Gamestate == Gamestate.Dead) CB CBComUdtMemberGameInfoes 호출하기
else if (GameStateManager.GameState == GameState.Dead)
if (flag){
flag = false;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("bestScore", Score);
CloudBread cb = new CloudBread();
public void Callback_Success(string id, WWW www)
print("[" + id + "] Success");