Releases: EnvGen/POGENOM
Releases · EnvGen/POGENOM
Modifications in Input Pogenom pipeline: Two aligners can be used now, bowtie2 and BWA-MEM2.
bowtie2 can be used with --score-min function as in the paper, or using default parameters (both --local or --end-to-end) together with CoverM filter. BWA-MEM2 (performing only local alignments) should be used together with CoverM filter.
- Calculates per codon and sample amino acid frequencies.
- Calculates normalized genome-wide pi based on estimated coverage breadth.
- Option to calculate permuted gene-wise FST (new argument --fst_perm).
- Option to restrict analysis to samples specified in file (new argument --sample_file).
- Option to only calculate genome-wide pi (new argument ---pi-only).
- Input_POGENOM pipeline for automatic VCF file generation.
- Allows GATK format of VCF file (new argument -–vcf_format).
- Disabled old argument -–vcf_version. Now automatically finds out which fields to use irrespective of version.
- Takes a genome fasta file as optional input (new argument -–fasta_file).
- Calculates total coverage at position by summing allele counts rather than using the DP parameter.
- Fixed FST calculation when inter-pi = 0.
- Fixed bug in calc_per_gene_aminoacid_fst.