Releases: Etheirys/Brio
Brio v0.5.0.6
Added Camera cloning
Fix camera snaping when leaving Gpose
Tried to fix a crash when leaving a cutscene
Brio v0.5.0.5
Brio v0.5.0.4
- Once more, fixed ESCAPE not opening the "End group pose" menu.
- Fixed an issue where the import setting
was not working - Fixed Destroying Camera on Scene load if "Override Current Scene" was enabled.
- Fixed Projects saving Free Cameras being frozen in place and unable to move.
- Fixed Scene loading characters with custom colors. (Thanks @Bronya-Rand)
Brio v0.5.0.3
- Environment is once again useable outside of Gpose
- Added a new setting "Consumed, [SPACE], [Shift], [Ctrl] & [Alt] keyboard input when moving a FreeCam"
- Added SPACE (Up) & CONTROL (Down) to Camera movement
- Fixed "Disable Collision" on Brio Cameras
- Fixed ESCAPE not opening the "End group pose" menu.
- Fixed on destroying a Camera not targeting Default Camera
- Fixed loading and saving characters with custom colors (Thanks #132 @Bronya-Rand!)
- Updated Thank Yous
Brio v0.5.0.2
- The Glamourer Design menu is now in alphabetical order
- Once again, fix an issue where PosingOverlayWindow would be to small if the text scale was less then 100%
- Fixed Auto-Save not turning off when is was disabled in the settings (Thanks @Bronya-Rand!)
- Fixed Cameras being unable to be destroyed in certain situations (Thanks @Bronya-Rand!)
Brio v0.5.0.1
- Fixed text scaling issues
- Fixed an issue with T-Pose & A-Pose loading
- Fixed not being able to drag the Main window off FFXIV
- Fixed [Shift], [Ctrl] & [Alt] being consumed my Brio
- Once again allow AllowPinning & AllowClickthrough on the Overlay window & Main window
Brio v0.5.0
Props, Free Cameras, Projects & more!
Brio has a new Icon!
- Over time it will update in Dalamud
Added "Legacy" bone filter.
- Use this import filter when loading on to pre-Dawntrail faces
Added Brio Style
- Fixes a bug under certain circumstances.
- More styles will be added in the future.
- You can disabled the Color Style in the Settings.
Added Projects, save and load the entire Brio scene.
- Project System is in Beta. NOTE: Projects might not be compatible from version to version!
- Scene exporting will be available in a later update.
- (Thanks Ashadow700 for the initial implementation and inspiration)
Added AutoSaving, saves the entire Brio scene.
- Default interval is once a minute.
Added Customize+ support.
Added a Change Customize+ Profile menu.
Added a Change Glamourer Design menu.
Added Virtual Cameras, You can now spawn more then one Camera!
Added Free Cameras!
- Keybinds will be changeable in the future.
Added Prop Spawning! (Thanks MKhayle for inspiration)
- If you have issues seeing the Prop be sure to click the "Refresh" button in the top left of the widget!
Added "Change weapon into a Prop" button to the Advanced Appearance window. (Thanks MKhayle!)
- If you have issues seeing the Prop be sure to press the Attach Weapon button.
Added a Reset model transform button to the posing widget.
You can now press Escape to clear the selected bone.
- Keybind will be changeable in the future.
Refresh the designs of the Appearance, Posing, & Animation Control widgets!
Rewrote the Freeze Physics System for better reliability. (Thanks Winter & Darkarchon for the tip!)
The updates notes were so big I can't fit them all in one message, find out more, plus a little message click here:
Brio v0.4.4.6
[CI] Updating versions for v0.4.4.5
Brio v0.4.4.5
[CI] Updating versions for v0.4.4.4
Brio v0.4.4.4
[CI] Updating versions for v0.4.4.3