Releases: Field-Robotics-Lab/nps_uw_sensors_gazebo
Release 3.1
Release 3.0
Our Third release adds a new ray-based multibeam sonar sensor plugin and a stratified ocean current environment plugin. Please see the Changelog for more details about features and enhancements included with this release. We continue to welcome community feedback and opportunities for collaboration. The future roadmap is outlined in the project Roadmap.
Release 2.0
Our second release adds several new visual models for COTS vehicles and manipulators, as well as a new USBL plugin, an enhanced DVL sensor, and the ability to generate bathymetry tiles directly from mapping data. Please see the Changelog for more details about features and enhancements included with this release. We continue to welcome community feedback and opportunities for collaboration. The next planned release will be v3.0.0 scheduled for early 2021 and outlined in the project Roadmap.
Initial Release
This initial release applies and extends the great prior work, particularly the UUV Simulator and WHOI's ds_sim. The intention of the release is to collect community feedback and engage with potential collaborations. The next planned release will be v2.0.0 scheduled for September and outlined in the project Roadmap.