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Cartesian Biweekly 2020 09 15

Enrique G. Paredes edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 1 revision

2020/09/15 GT4Py bi-weekly

Action Points

[ ] @Tobias W Ensure conditional behavior together with extended reads and writes makes sense for the user in the parallel model
[ ] @Hannes V Continue refining gtscript parallel model document
[ ] @Rhea G Will review
[ ] Vulcanites will review and propose an expansion to the Quickstart based on experience from fv3
[ ] @Mauro B Ask Stefano about priority for Dawn backends and prioritize issue accordingly
[ ] @Jeremy M Review Duck Storage PR update

Review of action points of last meeting:

[ ] @Tobias W, @Oli F Present outcome of HPC4WC student projects (once they are graded) — Meet Monday 21/9 to review
[ ] @Enrique G. P will report on how the Daint testing for GPU backends is working:
[x] @Eddie D Will work on multistage issue with gt4py devs
[x] @Enrique G. P, @Johann D Will review regions toolchain implementation
[ ] @Johann D will create a doodle poll to setup the next gtscript workshop (after Sept. 20)
[ ] @Johann D will add “Change computation to vertical" to gtscript workshop
[x] @Enrique G. P will add language to the parallel model about conditions
[x] @Hannes V will push on finishing parallel model conditional language given example from @Tobias W (disallow pattern only for point-based if?)
[x] @Enrique G. P will ask Mauro about documentation and report back:
[x] @Rhea G What would useful documentation for gt4py look like?

Discussion Points

Discuss conditionals5 branch in GridTools/concepts [@Mauro B]

New PR with a slightly different approach to the parallel model. Designed on some principles and examples have been worked out to show that performance optimization can be achieved.

Reviewed this document:

4 design principles for gt4py syntax and semantics
Discussed conditionals and stage extension

User docs [@Rhea G]

Short and easy to read
Many examples
Have docs right there - don’t want to build it after cloning. Use ReadTheDocs

@Oli F - what balance do we want between reference and tutorial

Review Issue #160 [@Mauro B]


Update on duck storage implementation [@Linus G]

Jeremy or another Vulcanite will review.

Backend Race condition [@Tobias W]

Wait for #169 to be merged. If still an issue, #148 will be prioritized.