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Cartesian Biweekly 2021 06 22

Enrique G. Paredes edited this page Jul 30, 2021 · 1 revision

2021/06/22 GT4Py bi-weekly

To Dos

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Review To Dos from previous sync

[x] [@Johann D ] Organize a time to work on the variable vertical offsets and while/for loops


Distributed Caching Strategy Demo - [@Eddie D]

Current approach is generic - tells application to give gt4py groups of processors
Each processor group has a generator rank, and waits for this rank to generate the stencil

Discussed a different approach with a global orchestrator

Numpy backend update - [Rico]

Working on existing features
Once features work, needs cleanup and master merge

Horizontal regions introduces a new iteration space

Horizontal regions update - [@Johann D]

Frontend, gtir, and oir ready
Currently working on extent analysis in OIR so that some of this can be shared between the GTC backends

Does not fit well into GTC model - access extents are inseparable from sizing extents
Backends each do their own transformations and extent analysis, so infrastructure is somewhat duplicated (but for good reasons)

Nested control-flow - [All]

While loops
Merged into legacy backends
PRs exist for GTC

For loops
Implementation exists for legacy backends
Started in GTC backends

for va in range(1, 9):  
  field += va  

Shows the need for foreign concepts in the IR
Ideas for reductions

DaCe-related work update - [@Tobias W]


  • Standalone application for the acoustic time-step working with GTC master
  • Still in the FV3Core regression suite so verification can be done


  • Next steps unclear?

Broader discussions

What is a stencil? What should be allowed inside a gtscript.stencil

There seem to be opposing viewpoints on this

  1. (As a first step) everything that is needed to port a weather model from Fortran
    1. Includes some control flow that could be done differently
  2. Focused DSL from start
    1. Downsides: difficult-to-sell solutions to partners/users

Agreement? If there are patterns that are not included, have solutions for these. Do not try to design for all.

Are we supporting variable neighborhoods? Maybe?
Are we supporting variable weights? Yes.

Who is our target user?


  • Domain scientists porting codes from Fortran
    • Do they want usability first, or performance, or both?
  • Research groups re-implementing models from mathematical equations?

Most users are and will be porting from Fortran, but models should be able to be written from scratch with gt4py.
Fortran ports should be a temporary v1 step in the process.
Being able to interoperate with Fortran is important for modeling centers.

What are our users now, 1 year, 5 years?
What do we want to design today versus delay?
e.g. halo exchanges

If we need to escape the DSL, how can we do this cleanly?

Can we introduce a set of “foreign” IR nodes that are eliminated from certain analyses?

Do-anything-you-want IR nodes - is this possible with optimizations?

Debugging/exporting data within a timestep as a single stencil is difficult

Lagrangian remapping (maybe a stencil?) is the ideal example because it’s “non-dense” in the model.

How should point-based control flow look?


  • Free-form in DSL
  • Folds/reductions
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