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RALF Language Unit Tests
#RALF Language Unit Tests
At this point the following two main test case categories are defined:
- Validator test cases: These unit tests check if the validator component properly detects invalid code segments.
- Parser test cases: These unit tests check is the parser creates the correct AST, which represents the input code. Typically both test case categories are aiming at covering all the possible input combinations of the expression or statement under test.
In the following section, the test cases covering the basic expressions will be presented in order of precedence.
The following primitive literals types are defined in rALF: Integer, String, Real, Boolean. These test cases check if these literals can be properly defined. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
naturalLiteralExpressionDecimal() | 123; | Checks if a well-formed decimal integer literal can be defined | OK |
naturalLiteralExpressionBinary() | 0b010101010101; | Checks if a well-formed binary integer literal can be defined | OK |
stringLiteralExpressionBreak() | "AB\\C"; | Checks if a well-formed String literal with breaked \ can be defined | OK |
... |
The following test cases check if parentheses and unary operators are properly validated. These test cases can be found here
The test cases regarding parentheses check that parentheses can indeed contain other expressions, including themselves.
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
parenthesisInteger() | (1); | Checks if an integer literal can be written in parentheses | OK |
parenthesisConditionalTest() | (true ? "test" : "test2"); | Checks if a conditional test expression can be written in parentheses | OK |
... |
These test cases check tat boolean not expressions can only contain expressions with a boolean return value.
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
unaryBooleanParenthesis() | !(true); | Checks if parentheses containing a boolean literal can be negated | OK |
unaryBooleanString() | !"String"; | Checks invalid string typed parameter is detected | ERROR |
unaryBooleanNameInvalid() | String x = "1"; !x; | Checks if invalid typed variables are detected | ERROR |
... |
The test cases regarding numeric negate expressions check that only numeric values can be negated. Some test cases can be seen below as an example.
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
unaryNumericInteger() | -1; | Checks if integer values can be negated | OK |
unaryNumericStringVariable() | String x = " "; -x; | Checks if trying to negate a string variable indeed results in a validation error | ERROR |
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The following test cases check if affix increment and decrement operators are properly validated. It should be noted that affix operators follow the C/C++/Java semantics, meaning that they can only contain variable expressions. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
affixIncrementIntegerVariable() | Integer x = 1; ++x; | Checks if integer variables can be incremented. | OK |
affixIncrementInvalidTypeVariable() | String x = "1"; ++x; | Checks if trying to increase the value of a string variable indeed results in a validation error | ERROR |
affixIncrementIntegerLiteral() | ++1; | Checks if trying to increase the value of an integer literal indeed results in a validation error | ERROR |
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The following test cases check if postfix increment and decrement operators are properly validated. It should be noted that postfix operators follow the C/C++/Java semantics, meaning that they can only contain variable expressions. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
postfixIncrementIntegerVariable() | Integer x = 1; x++; | Checks if integer variables can be incremented. | OK |
postfixIncrementInvalidTypeVariable() | String x = "1"; x++; | Checks if trying to increase the value of a string variable indeed results in a validation error | ERROR |
postfixIncrementIntegerLiteral() | 1++; | Checks if trying to increase the value of an integer literal indeed results in a validation error | ERROR |
... |
The following test cases check if additive arithmetical (+,-) operators are properly validated. It should be noted that the + operator can be used to concatenate string variables and literals. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
additionExpressionInteger() | 1+2; | Checks if integer literals can serve as operands of the addition expression. | OK |
additionExpressionString() | "1"+"2"; | Checks if string literals can be concatenated. | OK |
additionExpressionString() | "1"-"2"; | Checks that string literals and variables cannot be divided. | ERROR |
... |
The following test cases check if multiplicative arithmetical (*,/,%) operators are properly validated. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
multiplicationExpressionInteger() | 1*2; | Checks if integer literals can serve as operands of the multiplication expression. | OK |
multiplicationExpressionString() | "1"*"2"; | Checks that string literals cannot be multiplied. | ERROR |
moduloExpressionReal() | 1.3 % 2.3; | Checks that real literals cannot serve as input for modulo expressions. | ERROR |
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The following test cases check if shift (>>,<<,>>>,<<<) operators are properly validated. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
shiftExpressionInteger() | 1>>2; | Checks if integer literals can serve as operands of the shift expression. | OK |
shiftExpressionReal() | 1.3>>2.3; | Checks that real values cannot be shifted. | ERROR |
shiftExpressionMultiplicativeIntegerDivision() | 1 >> 1/2; | Checks that results of integer division can be shifted, hence they are integer values. | ERROR |
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The following test cases check if relational (>,<,>=,<=) operators are properly validated. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
relationalExpressionInteger() | 1 > 2; | Checks if integer literals can be compared. | OK |
relationalExpressionNumericUnary() | 1 > -2; | Checks that numeric negation expressions can serve ans an operand of the relational expression. | OK |
relationalExpressionIntegerString() | 1 > "2"; | Checks that only numeric values can be compared with relational operators. | ERROR |
... |
The following test cases check if the equality (==) operator is properly validated. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
equalityExpressionInteger() | 1 == 2; | Checks if integer literals can be compared. | OK |
equalityExpressionBoolean() | true == false; | Checks if boolean literals can be compared. | OK |
equalityExpressionIntegerString() | 1 == "2"; | Checks that only values of the same type can be compared with equality operators. | ERROR |
... |
The following test cases check if logical conditional (||,&&) operators and conditional test expressions are properly validated. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
andExpressionBoolean() | true && false; | Checks if an boolean literal can serve as operands of the conditional expressions. | OK |
andExpressionNumericUnary() | true && -2; | Checks that only boolean values can be operands. | ERROR |
andExpressionRelational() | true && 2>3; | Checks that relational expressions can be operands as well. | OK |
... |
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
condTestExpressionReal() | (true) ? 1.1 : 2.1; | Checks if conditional test expressions can contain real values as non-conditional operands. | OK |
condTestExpressionConditionString() | ("1") ? 1 : 2; | Checks that conditional test expressions can only contain boolean values as conditional operands. | ERROR |
... |
The following test cases check if the assignment (=) operator is properly validated. These test cases can be found here
Some relevant example test cases:
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
assignmentExpressionLiteral() | 1 = 2; | Checks that literals cannot be left hand side operators of an assignment. | Error |
assignmentExpressionInteger() | Integer x = 1; x=2; | Checks that variables can be. | OK |
assignmentExpressionVariableInvalidType() | String x = "1"; Integer y = 2; y=x; | Checks that the two sides of the assignment operator must be of the same type. | ERROR |
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In these test cases, the validation of empty-, expression-, break- and return statements are tested. These test cases can be found here
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
breakStatementInvalid() | break; | Break statements are only applicable in switch and different loop statements. | Error |
breakStatementValidInSwitch() | ... | Checks that break statements are valid in switch cases. | OK |
breakStatementValidInWhile() | while(true){break;} | Checks that break statements are valid in while loops. | OK |
... |
In these test cases, the validation of local variable declaration statements are tested. These test cases can be found here
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
localVariableSimple() | Integer x = 1; | Tests simple variable declarations. | OK |
localVariableDifferentType() | Integer y = "String"; | Checks that the initial value of a variable must be of the same type. | ERROR |
localVariableSameName() | Integer x = 1; Integer x = 1; | Two local variables with the same name, in the same block is illegal. | ERROR |
localVariableSameNameAfterBlock() | {String z = "1";} String z = "2"; | If the first definition is in an inner block, it is OK. | OK |
localVariableSameNameBeforeBlock() | String z = "2"; {String z = "1";} | However, an existing variable cannot be overridden in a block. | ERROR |
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In these test cases, the validation of different loop statements are tested.
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
forStatementSyntaxA_Literal() | for(i : 5){} | Tests that the ":" variant of the for cycle is properly validated | OK |
forStatementSyntaxB_Literal() | for(i in 1 .. 5){} | Tests that the "in" variant of the for cycle is properly validated | OK |
forStatementSyntaxA_LiteralReal() | for(i : 1.1){} | Only integer values can serve as iteration limits. | ERROR |
whileStatementNaturalLiteral() | while(1){} | Only boolean values can serve as while loop conditions | OK |
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In these test cases, the validation of if statements are tested. These test cases can be found here
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
ifStatementNaturalLiteral() | if(1){} | If statement condition should be boolean values. | ERROR |
ifStatementBooleanUnary() | if(!true){} | Boolean not expressions can serve as conditional operators. | OK |
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In these test cases, the validation of switch statements are tested. These test cases can be found here
Test case name | Input code | Description | Expected output |
switchStatementNaturalLiteralNoBreak() | switch(1){case 1 : {}default : {}}; | Break statements in switch cases are optional. | OK |
switchStatementRealLiteral() | switch(1.1){case 1.1 : {}default : {}}; | Real values are invalid switch parameters. | ERROR |
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The parser will be tested, once the language itself has reached a solid state. At such an early point in the development process as this, test cases, which check the contents of the parsed AST, would be immensely hard to maintain.