Goal: to empower BPL stakeholders in making this jewel of an area even more precious
Path to Goal: Utilize modern day tools centered around enabling collaboration regardless of current physical location. This is important because the BPL community has turned into a mostly global crowd.
Downtown Garage Property Tax Analysis
Leveraging an open-ended grad level big data research project to analysis Biddeford's proposed garage development in downtown and alternative ways to generate similar tax revenues for the city
- analysis: markdown files that summarize juptyer-notebook work done
- city-data: all data used to generate analysis and notebook work
- images: contains images used in notebooks and analysis files
- juptyer-notebooks: Python based scratch pad to do open-source data analysis work
- Python 3.3+
- Juptyer Notebooks: https://jupyter.org/install
- Anaconda 3 https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/
- Bash
- Markdown
- [BPIA Website][https://bpia.me]
- [BPIA Contact Us Form][https://bpia.me/contact_us]
- [General Email Inquiries][email protected]
- [Tech Questions][email protected]
Note: this is a living document