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Getting Started Guide for Raspberry PI

Tyler Sommer edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

NOTE: Unum SDK on Raspberry Pi is no longer supported. The guide below may no longer produce a working setup.

In this guide we will provide instructions to get a Raspberry Pi working as an IOT hub with the Unum SDK and the Minim Labs developer portal. This will give you the ability to see when devices are talking to the internet, monitor them for security vulnerabilities, and even use schedules and time-limits to limit their activity on the internet.


  • A Rasberry Pi 3 B+ running the latest version of Raspbian Stretch
  • A Minim Labs account (If you already have a account, you will need to logout and create a new minim labs account with a different email from your account)

Installing Unum-SDK on the Pi

Install dependencies

# check for updates
sudo apt update

# install dependencies; this may take a few minutes
sudo apt install -y bridge-utils dnsmasq dnsutils gawk hostapd libjansson4

Download unum-sdk package from the github release

curl -L -o unum-sdk.deb

Install the unum-sdk

sudo dpkg -i unum-sdk.deb

Configure the unum-sdk for the Raspberry Pi. You can hit enter and choose the default value in the square brackets for most options, however, you must change:

  • SSID
  • Passphrase - NOTE: this must be at least 8 characters
  • MAC ADDRESS - NOTE: You must use the mac address you got from the Minim Labs Developer Portal.


We start a handful of services to make the Raspberry Pi to act as an access point. To view the status for them you can try some of the commands below.

# The hostapd service is required to actually turn the Pi into an access point
sudo service hostapd status

# The dnsmasq service is used to provide IP addresses to connected devices
sudo service dnsmasq status

# And finally to check the status of the unum-sdk service
sudo service unum status

Log file locations

The unum-sdk package overrides hostapd logging locations. By default, log files are located in /var/opt/unum.

Due to a bug, version 2018.1.0 places hostapd /etc/opt/unum.

  • /var/opt/unum/unum.log - General Unum logs
  • /var/opt/unum/hostapd.log - Hostapd logs BUG: actually /etc/opt/unum/hostapd.log