SpliceAI wrapper for retraining SpliceAI and variant effect prediction
Create environment as -
python -m venv spliceai
source spliceai/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
We will require bedtools for grabing sequences to create the dataset that we can refer here for installing it.
Firstly, Update the constants.py file:
- ref_genome: path of the genome.fa file (hg19/GRCh37) or (hg38.fa)
- splice_table: path for reference splicing sequences (canonical_dataset.txt for hg19 and hg38V46_splice_table.txt for hg38)
- sequence: for sequence name
- version: is used for naming the file
Then, download the appropriate genome FASTA file for your dataset.
cd data
For GRCh37/hg19
!wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.fa.gz
Or for GRCh38/hg38
!wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/hg38.fa.gz
Finally, use the following commands for data preprocessing:
cd data/
python create_datafile.py train all
python create_datafile.py test 0
python create_dataset.py train all
python create_dataset.py test 0
use the following commands for training the models:
make sure constants.py has correct version set as hg19 or hg38
cd spliceai-training/
qsub script_train.sh 10000 1
qsub script_train.sh 10000 2
qsub script_train.sh 10000 3
qsub script_train.sh 10000 4
qsub script_train.sh 10000 5
use the following commands for training the models:
qsub script_test.sh 10000
If we want spliceai predictions using their original tools on some sequences (stored as fasta files with additional context of say 5k for SpliceAI-10k on each side of the sequence) we run the following command-
python spliceai-training/get_scores.py
The above script assumes all SpliceAI weights are stored in Models/pre-trained directory , sequences to be evaluated are present in data/sequences directory and the output results are to be stored in spliceai-training/sequence_output_predictions directory. These can be changed by changing INPUT_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR variables in the script.