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Marc edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 1 revision

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How it works

This aDTN platform uses a framework system by default, this framework is a Bundle extension RFC 6258.

This extension defines a framework and what can do.

By default the platform uses the First aDTN Plus Framework.

First aDTN Plus Framework

This framework defines that a bundle in this block extension can contain data and some codes.

Those codes allow to modify the default behaviour of the platform that the bundle is been processed.

Here can be found the functions that can be overwrite.

The following image defines the workflow of the codes.


Modify the framework behaviour

The are two ways of changing this behaviour one of them is platform relative and the other one at bundle level.

The platform one, changes the default behaviour for all the bundles processed by the platform if the bundle does not contain any code extension.

The bundle one, changes the default behaviour of every platform where it is been processed. This way the bundle defines itself how must be processed.

By default values

The default codes used by the platform can be found at NodeState.json.

The codes defined here are the default ones, that will be used. If some of this codes does not work the platform will not start.

There is a tool adtnPlus-codeCheck to check if a code compiles or not.

As bundle extension

The libraries allow to add code to each extensible function.

