Releases: WikiWatershed/model-my-watershed
This release was deployed at 11:15 AM on December 7, 2016.
New Features
- Add Rapid Watershed Delineation option based on NHD-derived data. This feature is available in the Mid-Atlantic region (USGS water resource Region 2).
- Update catchment water quality data
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Style password reset page
- Use buffered area for Rapid Watershed Delineation front-end validation
- Point source data includes totals row
- Fix to TR-55 model to account for perennial ice land cover type
- Decrease polling for model/analyze results
- Changes to caching to show updates without multiple refreshes
- Minor text/label changes
This release was deployed at 11:25 AM on November 2, 2016.
Performance improvements
- Mapshed sub-jobs are spread across multiple workers
- Geoprocessing calls reduced for Site Storm Model by reusing Analyze census
- Job submission time at
is significantly reduced
New Features
- Water Quality Analysis results with catchment hover/popop
- 3 Stream Concentration Water Quality overlays
- 3 Catchment Water Quality overlays
- Brief descriptions for each analysis tab
- Add paginated tables
Bug fixes and other changes
- Micro Site available on subdomain and app redirects to it at
- Update Micro Site link in app
- Failed celery jobs will persist input data in Jobs table to aid in debugging
- Bug fix to RWD shapes failing to draw, even though they were valid
- Point source observation vector loading is deferred from page load to Layer Selector open
- Facility Name is added to
point source
analyze popup - Styled alert modals replace
- Prevent self intersecting AoI polygons from being drawn
- Prevent MapShed jobs from running when LC analyze results indicate there isn't appropriate LC coverage for success.
- Improved touch support for Overlay and Dropdowns for devices that use Touch + Mouse events, as well as certain orientations for tablets.
- Show point source and water quality data to three digits
This release was deployed at 2:55 PM on October 5, 2016.
New Features
- Display mean flow m^3/s to two decimal places in Watershed Multi-Year Model output
- Display totals row in hydrology table (Watershed Multi-Year Model output)
- Write animal populations to .gms file in Watershed Multi-Year Model
- Add "animals" analysis tab displaying animal population summary (AEUs) for AoI
- Enable zoom-dependent stream rendering for NHD+ and DRB streams
- Add "point sources" tab to analysis results, displaying point source data summary for AoI
- Hovering over row in table renders appropriate point on map
- Integrate DRB-specific point source data
- Add point source data as overlay with popups
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Fix problem that prevented septic system N figures from displaying in Watershed Multi-Year Model output
- Use precalculated area-weighted average LS values for Watershed Multi-Year Model output
- Rename "DRB" in overlay selector
- Update to use newest version of TR-55 model
- Implement fixes for drawing AoIs on Windows touch devices (see list of use cases now supported)
- Add front-end error message and immediately fail Watershed Multi-Year Model for AoIs with no land cover
- Add front-end error message for invalid RWD shapes
- Add sidebar collapse/map expand toggle
This release was deployed at 10:42am on August 10, 2016.
New Features:
Added two new overlays: Pennsylvania Municipalities (boundary) and Pennsylvania Urbanized Areas (coverage).
Bug Fixes:
- Basemap misalignment (issue #1237) is fixed; it was actually an issue with the Google leaflet plugin for Google basemaps
- Model name now changes correctly when either Site Storm Model or Watershed Multi-Year model is run
- Biochemical oxygen demand metric is removed from chart and table for Site Storm Model
- The water quality chart for the Site Storm Model is now in loading rate (kg/ha), and a loading rate column was added to the table
This release was deployed on June 29, 2016.
New Features:
- Add ability to select, run, model scenarios in, and view results for new model: Watershed Multi-Year Model. This model is based on the GWLF-E/Mapshed desktop model
- Export .gms file from scenario tab in user interface
- Upgrade geoprocessing service to 1.2.0
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- Process overlapping BMPs/land usage polygons
- Revise "Turf Grass" label to "Developed, Open Space"
- Move map controls to right side to accommodate altered UI
- Don't wait for Results to Analyze
- Restore sidebar collapse functionality
- Rename "Runoff" tab to "Hydrology" for Watershed Multi-Year Model
- Show explicit timeout message
- Fix Google Maps API key
This release was deployed at 12:47PM on May 9, 2016.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- Update Thunderforest based base map back to a Mapbox base map.
This release was deployed at 17:07PM on May 3, 2016.
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- Update Mapbox based base map to a Thunderforest base map.
This release was deployed at 1:00PM on April 7, 2016.
New Features:
- Added TauDEM high-resolution stream network visualization overlay within the Delaware River Basin
- Added NHD Plus medium-resolution stream network visualization overlay in the continental U.S.
- Added links in Model My Watershed and Microsite pointing to
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
- Altered styling of clicked point and point that snaps to nearest stream for Rapid Watershed Delineation
- Added error message when user attempts to delineate a watershed outside of the Delaware River Basin
- Bug fix for Rapid Watershed Delineation: #1221
This release was deployed on March 11, 2016.
New Features:
- Rapid Watershed Delineation: Enables user to delineate a watershed by clicking anywhere on the map. The clicked point snaps to the nearest point on a perennial stream and calculates the watershed boundaries for the stream and its tributaries upstream of the selected point.
- Styled opacity sliders
This release was deployed on February 16, 2016 at 11:00AM EDT.
New Features:
- Add Hydrologic Soil Groups overlay
- Add tables to modeling output:
- Runoff table shows water depth and volume for runoff, evapotranspiration, and infiltration by scenario
- Water quality table now includes average concentration
- Added Watershed Delineation feature but disabled its use on production
Bug Fixes:
- Load observation layers independently of the layer control
- Prevent division by 0 for small AoIs
- Upgrade to modified TR-55 model that allows runoff to be 0 when a BMP is applied
- Updates to modified TR-55 model to better handle analysis of sub-pixel BMPs as drawn
- Use gSSURGO color scheme on soil type bar chart
- UI reorientation to results/model panel on right, with map controls shifted to the left