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Release 1.4.29
- Added Brawl gameplay mode (Free For All and Duel variants);
- [Start Wars] Fixed "same images" download bug for basic lands;
- [Start Wars] Fixed Obi-Wan Kenobi emblem (viewer, image download);
- [Start Wars] Fixed all tokens (viewer, image download);
- AI - Improved handling of target selection if AI does not control the ability but the target selection.
- Fixed Rat Colony deck valid check for all formats.
- Fixed a problem with stack abilities created by Designations eg. Monarch triggered ability (fixes #4457).
- Fixed a problem of deck generator to use cards from sets not legal to the format (fixes #4642).
- Ashes to Ashes - Fixed resolution handling e.g. related to Valakut (fixes #4456).
- Caligo Skin-Witch - Fixed wrong ETB trigger ability.
- Elderwood Scion - Fixed that second static ability causing game exceptions.
- Greenwarden of Murasa - Fixed "exile if you do" handling (fixes #4475).
- Hall of Gemstone - Fixed its ability making lands tapped for colorless add colored mana (fixes #4872).
- Herald's Horn - Fixed that cast cost reduction was also applied to other players.
- Homarid Explorer - Fixed wrong rarity (was uncommon, is now common).
- Mana Vault - Fixed that it doesn't return mana if payment is cancelled (fixes #4473).
- Oubliette - Fixed some problems, reworked the card.
- Path of Ancestry - Fixed that the triggered ability did not work when it was copied by Thespian's Stage (fixes #4464).
- Scourge of Valkas - Fixed damage source handling.
- Sergeant-at-Arms - Fixed missing kicker condition in tooltip rule text.
- The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale - Fixed forcing sacrifice of creatures which have left and re-entered the battlefield (fixes #4861).
- Torgaar, Famine Incarnate - Fixed that if used as commander one cannot pay additional costs (fixes #4815).
- Drain Power in Unlimited Edition
- Glarecaster in Onslaught
- Ice Cauldron in Masters Edition IV
- Psychic Battle in Invasion
- Added the possibility to select any subset or combination of sets to show in the card pool.
- Fixed that Fall of the Thran allowed AI to get back dragons (fixes #4848).
- Fixed broken "any target" spells (can't target to planeswalkers)
- Fixed a problem of becomes ColorTargetEffect that causes objects to not always reset to original color.
- Pennydreadful update.
- Updated MTGO 1v1 Commander banlist
- Fixed some card numbers.
- Fixed a lot of tooltip rule texts.
- Planechase - Fixed Tazeem Plane
- Corrected incorrect card numbers in Visions
- Corrosive Ooze - Fixed that the equipments were not destroyed.
- Deep Freeze - Fixed overwriting color (fixes #4843)
- Fight with Fire - Fixed that it was not being castable with no creatures in play (fixes #4849).
- Goblin Barrage - Fixed that targeting did not work correctly.
- Grasp of Fate - Fixed rule text. Fixed that exiled permanents did not return to battlefeild if the Grasp left the battlefield because its owner lost or left the game.
- Healing Grace - Fixed that it did not preventing damage correctly (fixes #4840 and #4852).
- Hostage Taker - Fixed exiling even when no longer on the battlefield (fixes #4844).
- Phyrexian Scriptures - Fixed that it was exiling all graveyards rather than the opponents'.
- Rona, Disciple of Gix - Fixed that it was not working after leaving and re-entering the battlefield.
- Yawgmoth's Vile - Fixed offering (fixes #4839)
- Some more fixes.
- Lat-Nams Legacy
- Trained Pronghorn in Judgment
- Vampirism in Visions
- Fixed a problem with exiling copied spells from the stack (Time Stop and Hive Mind problem).
- Fixed that casting Fervent Strike didn't give double strike to targeted creature with Kwende, Pride of Femeref onto battlefield (fixes #4813).
- Benalish Honor Guard - Fixed +1/0 for all Legendary permanents instead creatures.
- Knight of Malice, Knight of Grace - Fixed that boost only worked if all players had a permanent with the needed color (fixes #4811).
- Jaya Ballard - Fixed that the created emblem's ability did cause game breaking errors.
- Muldrotha, the Gravetide - Fixed that you could wrongly cast from other graveyards and also not only during your turns.
- Navigator's Compass - Fixed tooltip rule text.
- Phyrexian Scriptures - Fixed that wrongly also the card sfrom the controlling player were exiled.
- Rampaging Cyclops - Fixed that its power was not reduced if blocked by 2 or more blockers.
- The Antiquities War - Fixed that the third ability affects wrongly also artifacts played after it resolves (fixes #4819).
- Fight with Fire - Fixed not working target handling.
- Knight of Malice - Fixed that all controlled creatures were boost instead of only the Knight.
- Knight of Grace - Fixed that all controlled creatures were boost instead of only the Knight.
- On Serras Wings - Fixed that the boost was +4/+4 instead of correctly +1/+1.
- Relic Runner - Fixed condional can't be blocked handling.
- Rona, Disciple of Gix - Fixed target text.
- Shalai, Voice of Plenty - Fixed that it also gave wrongly hexproof to itself.
- The Flame of Keld - Fixed game exception during copy.
- Vicious Offering - Fixed missing target definition.
- Warlords Fury - Fixed wrong tooltip rule text.
- Planechase is now available with 20 planes implemented. Available as an option for new matches. View available planes in the Card Viewer under Planechase Anthology.
- Added clickable links in message of the day panel (#4681);
- Added localized card images download for Russian, Korean and Portuguese from wizards.com;
- Dominaria set (not all rule chnages are implemented yet)
- Cheat engine: added optional set code in card's command (example: battlefield:Human:Island:HOU:1);
- Added two new sample Planeswalker decks: "Huatli, Dinosaur Knight" and "Nissa, Genesis Mage";
- Fixed card hint window hangs and does not hide when the mouse move out (#4692)
- Fixed summoning sickness mark in card viewer (#4514)
- Fixed a problem in which card viewer would not retain selected tokens or cards option when switching between page sizes (#4514)
- Fixed a problem that entchantments enchanting entchantments were not shown on the battlefield.
- Added to all toUpperCase/toLowerCase calls the Locale.ENGLISH to prevent problems with some languages (e.g. Turkish).
- Fixed a problem that a gained "is all creature types" from continous effects were not propertly reset on permanents.
- Morph - Fixed that turning creatures face up didn't restore their subtypes (fixes #4566).
- Alhammarret, High Arbiter - Fixed not working ability that prevents spell casting (fixes #4561).
- Cowardice - Fixed not working target trigger (#4465)
- Deep Analysis - Fixed that its flashback costs did not work with mana casting cost modification effects (fixes #4677).
- Gallows at Willow Hill - fixed incorrectly creating a token for the artifact's controller instead of the target creature's controller.
- Kongming, 'Sleeping Dragon' - Unified spelling for all sets it is included.
- Mizzixs Mastery - Fixed a bug of that could lead to a endless loop if a player left the game.
- Planar Guide - Fixed handling of exiling and returning the creatures in a not correct way (fixes #4740).
- Vindictive Lich - Fixed that it did only execute the first effect (fixes #4742).
All Dominaria cards
Academy Drake in Dominaria
Academy Journeymage in Dominaria
Adamant Will in Dominaria
Adeliz, the Cinder Wind
Adventurous Impulse in Dominaria
Amaranthine Wall in Dominaria
Ancient Animus in Dominaria
Arbor Armament in Dominaria
Arcane Flight in Dominaria
Artificer's Assistant in Dominaria
Arvad the Cursed in Dominaria
Aryel, Knight of Windgrace
Aven Sentry in Dominaria
Aven Shrine in Odyssey
Baird Steward of Argive
Bamboozle in Odyssey
Befuddle in Dominaria
Benalish Honor Guard in Dominaria
Benalish Marshal in Dominaria
Bestial Fury in Masters Edition
Blackblade Reforged in Dominaria
Blessed Light in Dominaria
Blessing of Belzenlok in Dominaria
Blink of An Eye
Bloodstone Goblin in Dominaria
Bloodtallow Candle in Dominaria
Board the Weatherlight in Dominaria
Broken Bond in Dominaria
Brutal Suppression in Prophecy
Cabal Evangel in Dominaria
Cabal Paladin in Dominaria
Cabal Shrine in Odyssey
Cabal Stronghold in Dominaria
Caligo Skin Witch
Call the Cavalry in Dominaria
Cast Down in Dominaria
Cephalid Shrine in Odyssey
Chainer's Torment in Dominaria
Champion of the Flame in Dominaria
Chandra Bold Pyromancer
Chandra's Outburst in Dominaria
Charge in Dominaria
Charmed Pendant in Odyssey
Cloudreader Sphinx in Dominaria
Cold Water Snapper
Corrosive Ooze in Dominaria
Curator's Ward in Dominaria
D Avenant Trapper
Damping Sphere in Dominaria
Danitha Capashen Paragon
Darigaaz Reincarnated in Dominaria
Daring Archaeologist in Dominaria
Dark Bargain in Dominaria
Dauntless Bodyguard in Dominaria
Deathbloom Thallid in Dominaria
Deep Freeze in Dominaria
Demonic Vigor in Dominaria
Demonlord Belzenlok in Dominaria
Diligent Excavator in Dominaria
Divest in Dominaria
Dread Shade in Dominaria
Drought in Ice Age
Drudge Sentinel in Dominaria
Dub in Dominaria
Dwarven Shrine in Odyssey
Elfhame Druid in Dominaria
Elvish Impersonators in Unglued
Eviscerate in Dominaria
Evra Halcyon Witness
Excavation Elephant in Dominaria
Fall of the Thran in Dominaria
Feral Abomination in Dominaria
Fervent Strike in Dominaria
Fiery Intervention in Dominaria
Fight With Fire
Final Parting in Dominaria
Firefist Adept in Dominaria
Firesong and Sunspeaker in Dominaria
Forebear's Blade in Dominaria
Frenzied Rage in Dominaria
Fungal Infection in Dominaria
Fungal Plots in Dominaria
Gaea's Protector in Dominaria
Garna the Bloodflame
Ghitu Chronicler in Dominaria
Ghitu Journeymage in Dominaria
Ghitu Lavarunner in Dominaria
Giftof Growth
Goblin Barrage in Dominaria
Goblin Chainwhirler in Dominaria
Grand Warlord Radha in Dominaria
Grow From the Ashes
Grunn the Lonely King
Guardians of Koilos in Dominaria
Hallar the Firefletcher
Haphazard Bombardment in Dominaria
Healing Grace in Dominaria
Helm of the Host in Dominaria
Hint of Insanity in Odyssey
History of Benalia in Dominaria
Homarid Explorer in Dominaria
Howling Golem in Dominaria
In Bolass Clutches
Invoke the Divine in Dominaria
Jaya Ballard in Dominaria
Jaya's Immolating Inferno in Dominaria
Jhoira Weatherlight Captain
Jhoira's Familiar in Dominaria
Josu Vess Lich Knight
Jousting Lance in Dominaria
Kaervek's Purge in Mirage
Kamahl's Druidic Vow in Dominaria
Karn Scion of Urza
Karn's Temporal Sundering in Dominaria
Karplusan Hound in Dominaria
Kazarov Sengir Pureblood
Keldon Overseer in Dominaria
Keldon Raider in Dominaria
Keldon Warcaller in Dominaria
Knight of Grace in Dominaria
Knight of Malice in Dominaria
Knight of New Benalia in Dominaria
Krosan Druid in Dominaria
Kwende Pride of Femeref
Leshrac's Sigil in Ice Age
Lich's Mastery in Dominaria
Lim Duls Hex
Lingering Phantom in Dominaria
Llanowar Envoy in Dominaria
Llanowar Scout in Dominaria
Lyra Dawnbringer in Dominaria
Mad Dog in Odyssey
Mammoth Spider in Dominaria
Marwyn the Nurturer
Memorial to Folly in Dominaria
Memorial to Genius in Dominaria
Memorial to Glory in Dominaria
Memorial to Unity in Dominaria
Memorial to War in Dominaria
Merfolk Trickster in Dominaria
Mesa Unicorn in Dominaria
Mind Burst in Odyssey
Mine Mine Mine
Mishras Self Replicator
Monsoon in Ice Age
Muldrotha the Gravetide
Multani Yavimayas Avatar
Naban Dean of Iteration
Nantuko Shrine in Odyssey
Naru Meha Master Wizard
Navigator's Compass in Dominaria
Niambi Faithful Healer
Oath of Teferi in Dominaria
On Serras Wings
Once More With Feeling
Orcish Vandal in Dominaria
Painbringer in Odyssey
Pardic Wanderer in Dominaria
Pegasus Courser in Dominaria
Phyrexian Scriptures in Dominaria
Pierce the Sky in Dominaria
Powerstone Shard in Dominaria
Precognition Field in Dominaria
Primevals Glorious Rebirth
Primordial Wurm in Dominaria
Pyromantic Pilgrim in Dominaria
Radiating Lightning in Dominaria
Raff Capashen Ships Mage
Rampaging Cyclops in Dominaria
Rat Colony in Dominaria
Relic Runner in Dominaria
Retribution in Masters Edition II
Rite of Belzenlok in Dominaria
Rites of Spring in Odyssey
Rona Disciple of Gix
Run Amok in Dominaria
Sanctum Spirit in Dominaria
Saproling Migration in Dominaria
Seal Away in Dominaria
Seismic Shift in Dominaria
Sentinel of the Pearl Trident in Dominaria
Sergeant At Arms
Serra Disciple in Dominaria
Settle the Score in Dominaria
Shalai Voice of Plenty
Shanna Sisays Legacy
Shield of the Realm in Dominaria
Shivan Fire in Dominaria
Short Sword in Dominaria
Skittering Surveyor in Dominaria
Slimefoot the Stowaway
Slinn Voda the Rising Deep
Song of Blood in Visions
Song of Freyalise in Dominaria
Sorcerer's Wand in Dominaria
Soul Salvage in Dominaria
Sparring Construct in Dominaria
Spore Swarm in Dominaria
Sporecrown Thallid in Dominaria
Squee the Immortal
Steel Leaf Champion in Dominaria
Stronghold Confessor in Dominaria
Sylvan Awakening in Dominaria
Tattoo Ward in Odyssey
Tatyova Benthic Druid
Teferi Hero of Dominaria
Teferi Timebender
Teferi's Sentinel in Dominaria
Tempest Djinn in Dominaria
Temporal Machinations in Dominaria
Territorial Allosaurus in Dominaria
Teshar Ancestors Apostle
Tetsuko Umezawa Fugitive
Thallid Omnivore in Dominaria
Thallid Soothsayer in Dominaria
The Antiquities War in Dominaria
The Eldest Reborn in Dominaria
The First Eruption in Dominaria
The Flame of Keld in Dominaria
The Mending of Dominaria in Dominaria
The Mirari Conjecture in Dominaria
Thran Temporal Gateway in Dominaria
Tiana Ships Caretaker
Time of Ice in Dominaria
Tolarian Scholar in Dominaria
Torgaar, Famine Incarnate in Dominaria
Traveling Plague in Odyssey
Traxos, Scourge of Kroog in Dominaria
Triumph of Gerrard in Dominaria
Two-Headed Giant in Dominaria
Untamed Kavu in Dominaria
Unwind in Dominaria
Urgoros, the Empty One in Dominaria
Urza's Ruinous Blast in Dominaria
Urza's Tome in Dominaria
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame in Dominaria
Verdant Succession in Odyssey
Verix Bladewing in Dominaria
Vicious Offering in Dominaria
Vodalian Arcanist in Dominaria
Volcanic Wind in Mercadian Masques
Voltaic Servant in Dominaria
Warcry Phoenix in Dominaria
Warlord's Fury in Dominaria
Weatherlight in Dominaria
Weight of Memory in Dominaria
Whisper, Blood Liturgist in Dominaria
Wild Onslaught in Dominaria
Windgrace Acolyte in Dominaria
Wizard's Lightning in Dominaria
Wizard's Retort in Dominaria
Woolly Spider in Masters Edition II
Word of Undoing in Masters Edition
Wormfang Newt in Judgment
Wormfang Turtle in Judgment
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg in Dominaria
Yavimaya Sapherd in Dominaria
Yawgmoth's Vile Offering in Dominaria
Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp in Dominaria
Zhalfirin Void in Dominaria
Zombie Mob in Mirage