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Release 1.4.37
Oleg Agafonov edited this page Jul 13, 2019
7 revisions
- Added support to attack/kill any opponent in multiplayer, not only first one;
- Fixed that AI never use alpha strike to kill opponent (doesn't use "all in" attack, #4486);
- Game: London mulligan is default mulligan type for all games now (except Canadian Highlander);
- Game: London mulligan - fixed wrong cards number in logs;
- Game: Oathbreaker 1 vs 1 - fixed that starting player draws a card like multiplayer games;
- Game: updated ban list in Commander and Modern;
- UI: fixed not working skip stack button;
- Commander abilities - fixed that it increases commander tax after cast/play from non-command zone (as example: after Remand effect);
- Chandra, Acolyte of Flame - fixed that -2 ability cost as -3 (#5891);
- Chandra, Acolyte of Flame - fixed that it can give counter to creatures instead planeswalkers only;
- Curse of the Cabal - fixed not working sacrifice ability;
- Dream Leash - fixed that it can't select target permanent;
- Enslaved Horror - fixed text;
- Knowledge Pool - fixed that it allows to cast just exiled card instead another (#4947);
- Praetor's Grasp - fixed that it freeze the game after cast;
- Sarkhan the Masterless - fixed that second ability removes supertypes;
- Thousand-Year Storm - added logs and card hint info about storm count value;
- Wall of Dust - fixed that it doesn't restrict attack on next turn;
- Cast from top of the library - fixed that it can't cast cards with flash and same effects, affected cards: Vizier of the Menagerie, Mystic Forge, Precognition Field, Temporal Aperture (#5816);
- Ajani's Chosen - fixed error in combo with Estrid, the Masked's token (#5285);
- Boneclad Necromancer - fixed that it can target non-creature cards in graveyard (#5875);
- Chandra's Embercat - fixed that it doesn't add mana that allows Chandra Planeswalkers to be cast (#5880);
- Library of Leng - fixed that it triggers on discarded cards from cost part instead only effect part (#3047);
- Marauding Raptor - fixed that it deals damage to yourself;
- Masterful Replication - fixed that it doesn't create copies of artifacts;
- Soulherder - fixed that it can target yourself instead another;
- Veil of Summer - fixed that it doesn't count blue spells;
- Xenagos, the Reveler - added mana amount dialog instead R/G choose one by one;
- UI: fixed that cards with same names doesn't selected as playable in hand/graveyard;
- Images: fixed wrong forest/island images in GK2 set;
- Goad abilities - fixed missing text;
- Affinity abilities - added support of other cost modification effects like combo with commander tax (#5856);
- Affinity abilities - added artifact/land count hints to card;
- Besmirch - fixed missing goad effect;
- Finale of Promise - added dialog to select cards order to cast;
- Flood of Tears - fixed not working ability (#5877);
- Grenzo, Havoc Raiser - added triggered player info in logs and choose mode dialog (#4116, #5282);
- Leyline of Combustion - fixed that it triggers on controller targets;
- Lure of Prey - fixed that it restrict to cast any spells in game instead yourself;
- UI: fixed wrong deck import from cubes and other sources without cards amount;
- Brought Back - fixed that it return permanents untapped instead tapped;
- Chandra's Embercat - fixed that mana not casting Chandra planeswalkers;
- Chandra, Acolyte of Flame - fixed that elemental tokens don't sacrificed (#5872);
- Veil of Summer - fixed that hexproof from color abilities not working on players;
- Woodland Champion - fixed that it doesn't trigger on tokens put (#5871);
Added full Core Set 2020 (M20) with all 306 cards (tokens and images can be downloaded from scryfall source).
- Added cards count for commander zone icon;
- Added colorized text for non empty mana pool;
- Added colorized text for playable/choosable cards in grave/exile/command zones;
- Added playable/activateable cards highlight in all zone and windows (mana abilities, commander, graveyard, revealed, etc);
- Added support to search targets from multiple opponents instead one;
- Added new priorities (kills most valuable first);
- Added bad and good conditions (choose most valuable in good case and most weakest in bad case, e.g. damage yourself);
- Fixed that AI targets opponent for good ability instead yourself;
- Fixed AI game freeze if it can't pay X mana (#5023);
- Planeswalkers gets more priority in targets selection or keeps;
- Alternative spells - fixed that it always selected to cast if available;
- Ajani, Wise Counselor - fixed not working ultimate ability (#5857);
- Quakefoot Cyclops - fixed wrong targets number;
- Voracious Dragon - fixed that it doesn't deal damage after devour;
- Westvale Abbey - fixed wrong text;
- Images: added tokens from Modern Horizons (MH1);
- Images: fixed missing symbols download for sets;
- Aerial Assault
- Aether Gust
- Agent of Treachery
- Agonizing Syphon
- Ajani, Inspiring Leader
- Ajani, Strength of the Pride
- Ancestral Blade
- Angel of Vitality
- Apostle of Purifying Light
- Atemsis, All-Seeing
- Audacious Thief
- Bag of Holding
- Barkhide Troll
- Battalion Foot Soldier
- Bishop of Wings
- Blightbeetle
- Blood Burglar
- Blood for Bones
- Bloodsoaked Altar
- Bloodthirsty Aerialist
- Boneclad Necromancer
- Boreal Elemental
- Brightwood Tracker
- Brineborn Cutthroat
- Brought Back
- Captivating Gyre
- Cavalier of Dawn
- Cavalier of Flame
- Cavalier of Gales
- Cavalier of Night
- Cavalier of Thorns
- Celestial Messenger
- Cerulean Drake
- Chandra's Embercat
- Chandra's Flame Wave
- Chandra's Regulator
- Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
- Chandra, Awakened Inferno
- Chandra, Flame's Fury
- Chandra, Novice Pyromancer
- Cloudkin Seer
- Colossus Hammer
- Corpse Knight
- Creeping Trailblazer
- Cryptic Caves
- Daggersail Aeronaut
- Dark Remedy
- Dawning Angel
- Destructive Digger
- Devout Decree
- Diamond Knight
- Diviner's Lockbox
- Drakuseth, Maw of Flames
- Drawn from Dreams
- Dread Presence
- Elvish Reclaimer
- Embodiment of Agonies
- Empyrean Eagle
- Engulfing Eruption
- Eternal Isolation
- Ethereal Elk
- Ferocious Pup
- Field of the Dead
- Flame Sweep
- Flood of Tears
- Fry
- Gargos, Vicious Watcher
- Gauntlets of Light
- Glint-Horn Buccaneer
- Gnarlback Rhino
- Goblin Bird-Grabber
- Goblin Smuggler
- Goldmane Griffin
- Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
- Gorging Vulture
- Growth Cycle
- Gruesome Scourger
- Hanged Executioner
- Hard Cover
- Healer of the Glade
- Herald of the Sun
- Howling Giant
- Icon of Ancestry
- Imperial Outrider
- Infuriate
- Ironroot Warlord
- Kaalia, Zenith Seeker
- Kethis, the Hidden Hand
- Knight of the Ebon Legion
- Kykar, Wind's Fury
- Lavakin Brawler
- Leafkin Druid
- Legion's End
- Leyline of Abundance
- Leyline of Combustion
- Lightning Stormkin
- Lotus Field
- Loxodon Lifechanter
- Manifold Key
- Marauding Raptor
- Mask of Immolation
- Masterful Replication
- Moat Piranhas
- Moldervine Reclamation
- Mu Yanling, Celestial Wind
- Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer
- Mystic Forge
- Nightpack Ambusher
- Nimble Birdsticker
- Noxious Grasp
- Octoprophet
- Ogre Siegebreaker
- Omnath, Locus of the Roil
- Overgrowth Elemental
- Pack Mastiff
- Pattern Matcher
- Portal of Sanctuary
- Pyroclastic Elemental
- Rapacious Dragon
- Reckless Air Strike
- Repeated Reverberation
- Retributive Wand
- Rienne, Angel of Rebirth
- Risen Reef
- Rotting Regisaur
- Salvager of Ruin
- Savage Gorger
- Savannah Sage
- Scampering Scorcher
- Scheming Symmetry
- Scholar of the Ages
- Scorch Spitter
- Season of Growth
- Sephara, Sky's Blade
- Shared Summons
- Shifting Ceratops
- Silverback Shaman
- Skyknight Vanguard
- Sorcerer of the Fang
- Sorin's Guide
- Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord
- Sorin, Vampire Lord
- Spectral Sailor
- Squad Captain
- Starfield Mystic
- Steadfast Sentry
- Tale's End
- Thicket Crasher
- Thirsting Bloodlord
- Thought Distortion
- Thunderkin Awakener
- Tomebound Lich
- Twinblade Paladin
- Unchained Berserker
- Unholy Indenture
- Vampire of the Dire Moon
- Veil of Summer
- Vengeful Warchief
- Vilis, Broker of Blood
- Vivien's Crocodile
- Vivien, Arkbow Ranger
- Vivien, Nature's Avenger
- Voracious Hydra
- Wakeroot Elemental
- Waterkin Shaman
- Wildfire Elemental
- Winged Words
- Wolfrider's Saddle
- Woodland Champion
- Woodland Mystic
- Yanling's Harbinger
- Yarok's Fenlurker
- Yarok's Wavecrasher
- Yarok, the Desecrated