- data : MNIST
- layer : 28*28=784 -> 1024 -> 32 -> 10
- activation function : softmax
- additional : dropout
- optimizier : Adam + min-batch
epochs = 101
- Train Accuracy : 0.908382
- Test Accuracy : 0.9068
- data : MNIST
- layer : 28 * 28 * 1 -> 14 * 14 * 4 -> 7 * 7 * 8 -> 512 -> 10
- activation function : Relu, Sigmoid
- additional : dropout
- optimizier : Adam + min-batch
epochs = 11
| Relu | Sigmoid | None
Train | 0.990234 | 0.953125 | 0.984375
Test | 0.9875 | 0.9595 | 0.9826
*Train only measure min-batch
- data : MNIST
- layer : 28*28=784 -> 512 -> 256 -> 64 -> 2 -> 64 -> 256 -> 512 -> 784
- activation function : Sigmoid
- optimizier : Adam + min-batch
epochs = 101
- Train Loss : 0.0713046
- Test Loss : 0.0757816
- t-SNE
- PCA + t-SNE : combine PCA and t-SNE to prevent performance issue when apply t-SNE with high dimension data
- PCA 0:00:00.782207
- t-SNE 0:04:43.643358
- PCA + t-SNE 0:03:29.427107
- data : MNIST
- layer : 28*28=784 -> 512 -> 512 -> 2(mean, var) -> 512 -> 512 -> 784
- activation function : softplus, sigmoid
- optimizier : Adam + min-batch
Epoch: 1 cost= 196.581512416
Epoch: 21 cost= 146.854643957
Epoch: 41 cost= 142.512102212
Epoch: 61 cost= 140.136859013
Epoch: 81 cost= 138.670617768
Epoch: 101 cost= 137.499377324
- data : MNIST
- layer : encoder(time, data -> time, feature) > RNN(time, feature -> time, est.feature) > decoder(est.feature -> class)
- RNN type :
- basicRNN
- LSTM (long short-term memory)
- GRU (Gated Recurrent Units)
- data : http://mattmahoney.net/dc/text8.zip
- layer : target word -> embedding to vector(embedding matrix * target word one-hot-encoding) -> linear model(W*V + b) = probability for each word connect to target -> softmax -> loss = cross entropy with label
- additional : Sampled Softmax
- optimizier : AdagradOptimizer
* 20000 Average loss : 3.73424506655
* 40000 Average loss : 3.44429408045
* 60000 Average loss : 3.39420536309
* 80000 Average loss : 3.36515107585
* 100000 Average loss : 3.19453594169
Nearest to 'were' : are, have, was, had, while, those, been, although,
Nearest to 'state' : city, states, territory, republic, shadowed, drum, gums, frites,
- data : http://mattmahoney.net/dc/text8.zip
- layer : input words(connect to target) -> sum(embedding input to vector) -> probability of target word -> softmax -> loss = cross entropy with label
- additional : Sampled Softmax
- optimizier : AdagradOptimizer
* 20000 Average loss : 3.12684643236
* 40000 Average loss : 2.92018117781
* 60000 Average loss : 2.83985439647
* 80000 Average loss : 2.76869805927
* 100000 Average loss : 2.57371024392
Nearest to eight : nine, seven, six, four, five, three, zero, two,
Nearest to often : usually, sometimes, generally, commonly, frequently, typically, actually, now,
- data : MNIST
- generator : 128 -> 256 -> 784=28*28
- discriminator : 784 -> 256 -> 1
- activation function : softplus, sigmoid
- optimizier : Adam + min-batch
- data : MNIST
- generator : 128 -> 7764 -> 141432 -> 28281
- discriminator : 28281 -> 141432(strides=2) -> 7764(strides=2) -> 1
- activation function : relu, tanh, sigmoid
- optimizier : Adam + min-batch
TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------
https://github.com/Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-Tutorials/blob/master/07_Inception_Model.ipynb https://github.com/Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-Tutorials/blob/master/08_Transfer_Learning.ipynb
- additional : L2 regularization
- additional : Xavier initialization