Description: Implementation of a simulation of Langton's Ant, read more about Langton's Ant on Wikipedia:
Author: David Chen
What the program does: -A simple menu allows the user to choose 1 to run the simulation, and 2 to quit the program. -If 1 is chosen, the user is asked to choose the size of the board (no greater than 80x80 and no less than 2x2). -User is asked to choose the row and column for the ant's starting position. -User is asked to enter the number of steps to have the ant move.
Rules for movement during simulation -
- When on a white square, turn right 90 degrees and change the square to black.
- When on black square, turn left 90 degrees and change the square to white.
The ant is represented by a @ char. Black squares are represented by #. White squares are represented by ' '.
For wall collision cases (i.e. ant attempts to step out of bounds of the array), the ant turns around before making its move.