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Overhaul: iOS 4+5 support, XML in/out support. New interface.
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This is a huge change! Provide a list of files to import, 
 it autodetectes each's format, merges the results, 
 sorts them, and exports them to either XML or mmssms.db (sqlite). 
 Use it just like cp:

python  sms-iOS-5.db gv.csv android.xml  out.xml

Now imports:
 - iOS 5 databases, iMessages and all
 - iOS 6 databases (better architecture, actually)
 - Android XML from the com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore app.
 - CSV of google voice data

Now saves:
 - XML format for use with SMSBackupRestore
 - mmssms.db Android sms database format 
    Requires adb root access.
    Why use this option? WAY faster 
    and much better database performance.
    SMSBackupRestore is great, but it doesn't handle
    tens of thousands of messages.

Fixes #1 where existing threads were not properly handled.
  • Loading branch information
t413 committed Oct 11, 2012
1 parent 4d0b76b commit 38fa924
Showing 1 changed file with 170 additions and 59 deletions.
229 changes: 170 additions & 59 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,78 @@
import argparse, sys, time, dateutil.parser, sqlite3, csv
debug = False
do_save = True #save the results?
import argparse, os, sys, time, dateutil.parser, sqlite3, csv, xml.dom.minidom
sms_debug = False
test_run = False #test = don't save results

def main():
def sms_main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Import texts to android sms database file.')
inputgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
inputgroup.add_argument( "-csv", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='input CSV file' )
inputgroup.add_argument( "-iphone", type=str, help='input iPhone sms.db file' )
parser.add_argument('infiles', nargs='+', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='input files, may include multiple sources')
parser.add_argument('outfile', type=str, help='output mmssms.db file use. Must alread exist.')
parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='extra info')
args = parser.parse_args()#"-iphone ../sms.db mmssms.db".split())
global debug
debug = args.debug if args.debug else debug
parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', dest='sms_debug', help='sms_debug run: extra info, limits to 80, no save.')
parser.add_argument('-t', action='store_true', dest='test_run', help='Test run, no saving anything')
args = parser.parse_args()#"-iphone ../sms.db mmssms.db".split())
except IOError:
print "Problem opening file."

if args.csv:
starttime = time.time()
texts = readTextsFromCSV( args.csv )
print "got all texts in {0} seconds, {1} items read".format( (time.time()-starttime), len(texts) )
elif args.iphone:
starttime = time.time()
texts = readTextsFromIPhone( args.iphone )
print "got all texts in {0} seconds, {1} items read".format( (time.time()-starttime), len(texts) )

exportAndroidSQL(texts, args.outfile)
#allow use of either the -d option or sms_debug=False
global sms_debug, test_run
sms_debug = args.sms_debug if args.sms_debug else sms_debug
test_run = args.test_run if args.test_run else test_run

#get the texts into memory
texts = []
for file in args.infiles:
starttime = time.time() #meause execution time
extension = os.path.splitext([1]
if extension == ".csv":
print "Importing texts from Google Voice CSV file:"
new_texts = readTextsFromCSV( file )
elif extension == ".db":
if isIOS6db( ):
print "Importing texts from iOS 6 database"
new_texts = readTextsFromIOS6( )
print "Importing texts from iOS 4/5 database"
new_texts = readTextsFromIOS5( )
elif extension == ".xml":
print "Importing texts from backup XML file"
new_texts = readTextsFromXML( file )
texts += new_texts
print "finished in {0} seconds, {1} messages read".format( (time.time()-starttime), len(new_texts) )

print "sorting all {0} texts by date".format( len(texts) )
sorted(texts, key=lambda text:

if os.path.splitext(args.outfile)[1] == '.db':
print "Saving changes into Android DB, "+str(args.outfile)
exportAndroidSQL(texts, args.outfile)
elif os.path.splitext(args.outfile)[1] == '.xml':
print "Saving changes into XML, "+str(args.outfile)
exportXML(texts, args.outfile)
print "unrecognized output file."

class Text:
def __init__( self, num, date, type, body, cid):
def __init__( self, num, date, type, body):
self.num = num = date
self.type = type
self.body = body
self.cid = cid
def __str__(self):
return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__)

def readTextsFromIPhone(file):
def cleanNumber(numb):
if not numb:
return False
stripped = ''.join(ch for ch in numb if ch.isalnum())
if not stripped.isdigit():
return False
return stripped[-10:]

## Import functions ##

def readTextsFromIOS6(file):
conn = sqlite3.connect(file)
c = conn.cursor()
Expand All @@ -45,15 +83,49 @@ def readTextsFromIPhone(file):
INNER JOIN handle ON message.handle_id = handle.ROWID \
for row in query:
if debug and i > 80:
if sms_debug and i > 80:
txt = Text(row[0],long((row[1] + 978307200)*1000),(row[2]+1),row[3],row[4])
txt = Text(row[0],long((row[1] + 978307200)*1000),(row[2]+1),row[3])
if debug:
if sms_debug:
print txt
return texts

def readTextsFromIOS5(file):
conn = sqlite3.connect(file)
c = conn.cursor()
texts = []
contactLookup = {}
query = c.execute(
'SELECT is_madrid, madrid_handle, address, date, text, madrid_date_read, flags FROM message;')
for row in query:
if row[0]:
txt = Text( row[1], long((row[3] + 978307200)*1000), (row[5]==0)+1, row[4])
from_me = row[6] & 0x01
txt = Text( row[2], long(row[3]*1000), from_me+1, row[4])

lookup_num = str(txt.num)[-10:]
if not lookup_num in contactLookup:
contactLookup[lookup_num] = i
txt.cid = contactLookup[lookup_num]

return texts

def readTextsFromXML(file):
texts = []
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file)
i = 0
for sms in dom.getElementsByTagName("sms"):
txt = Text( sms.attributes['address'].value, sms.attributes['date'].value,
sms.attributes['type'].value, sms.attributes['body'].value)
return texts

def readTextsFromCSV(file):
inreader = csv.reader( file )

Expand All @@ -73,81 +145,120 @@ def readTextsFromCSV(file):
texts = []
for row in inreader:
if debug and i > 80:
break #debug breaks early

txt = Text(
row[phNumberIndex], #number
long(float(dateutil.parser.parse(row[dateIndex]).strftime('%s.%f'))*1000), #date
(2 if row[typeIndex]=='0' else 1), #type
row[bodyIndex], #body
row[cidIndex] ) #contact ID
row[bodyIndex] ) #body
i += 1
return texts

def isIOS6db(file):
cur = sqlite3.connect(file).cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='handle';")
res = cur.fetchone() is not None
return res

## Export functions ##

def exportAndroidSQL(texts, outfile):
#open resources
conn = sqlite3.connect(outfile)
c = conn.cursor()

#populate fast lookup table:
contactIdFromNumber = {}
query = c.execute('SELECT _id,address FROM canonical_addresses;')
for row in query:
contactIdFromNumber[cleanNumber(row[1])] = row[0]

#start the main loop through each message
starttime = time.time()
convoMap = {}

for txt in texts:
if debug and i > 80:
break #debug breaks early

for txt in texts:
if sms_debug and i > 80:
break #sms_debug breaks early

clean_number = cleanNumber(txt.num)

#add a new conversation thread entry (and canonical_addresses lookup entry) if it doesn't exist
if not txt.cid in convoMap:
#add a new canonical_addresses lookup entry and thread item if it doesn't exist
if not clean_number in contactIdFromNumber:
c.execute( "INSERT INTO canonical_addresses (address) VALUES (?)", [txt.num])
contact_id = c.lastrowid
c.execute( "INSERT INTO threads (recipient_ids) VALUES (?)", [contact_id])
convoMap[txt.cid] = c.lastrowid

#now update conversation thread (assuming it was just created or existed before)
thread_id = convoMap[txt.cid]
c.execute( "UPDATE threads SET message_count=message_count + 1,snippet=?,'date'=? WHERE _id=? ", [txt.body,,thread_id] )
contactIdFromNumber[clean_number] = c.lastrowid
c.execute( "INSERT INTO threads (recipient_ids) VALUES (?)", [contactIdFromNumber[clean_number]])
contact_id = contactIdFromNumber[clean_number]

#now update the conversation thread (happends with each new message)
c.execute( "UPDATE threads SET message_count=message_count + 1,snippet=?,'date'=? WHERE recipient_ids=? ", [txt.body,,contact_id] )
c.execute( "SELECT _id FROM threads WHERE recipient_ids=? ", [contact_id] )
thread_id = c.fetchone()[0]

if debug:
c.execute( "SELECT * FROM threads WHERE _id=?", [thread_id] )
if sms_debug:
print "thread_id = "+ str(thread_id)
c.execute( "SELECT * FROM threads WHERE _id=?", [contact_id] )
print "updated thread: " + str(c.fetchone())
print "adding entry to message db: " + str([txt.num,,txt.body,thread_id,txt.type])

#add message to sms table
c.execute( "INSERT INTO sms (address,'date',body,thread_id,read,type,seen) VALUES (?,?,?,?,1,?,1)", [txt.num,,txt.body,thread_id,txt.type])

#print status
if i%100 == 0:
lastSpeed = int(100/(time.time() - lastCheckedSpeed))
#print status (with fancy speed calculation)
recalculate_every = 100
if i%recalculate_every == 0:
lastSpeed = int(recalculate_every/(time.time() - lastCheckedSpeed))
lastCheckedSpeed = time.time()
sys.stdout.write( "\rprocessed {0} entries, {1} convos, ({2} entries/sec)".format(i, len(convoMap), lastSpeed ))
sys.stdout.write( "\rprocessed {0} entries, {1} convos, ({2} entries/sec)".format(i, len(contactIdFromNumber), lastSpeed ))

i += 1

print "\nfinished in {0} seconds (average {1}/second)".format((time.time() - starttime), int(i/(time.time() - starttime)))

if debug:
if sms_debug:
print "\n\nthreads: "
for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM threads'):
print row

if do_save and not debug:
if not test_run and not sms_debug:
print "changes saved to "+outfile


def exportXML(texts, outfile):
doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
doc.encoding = "UTF-8"
smses = doc.createElement("smses")
smses.setAttribute("count", str(len(texts)))
for txt in texts:
sms = doc.createElement("sms")
#toa="null" sc_toa="null" service_center="null" read="1" status="-1" locked="0" date_sent="0" readable_date="Sep 27, 2012 10:57:55 AM" contact_name="Kevin Donlon"
sms.setAttribute("address", str(txt.num))
sms.setAttribute("date", str(
sms.setAttribute("type", str(txt.type))
sms.setAttribute("body", txt.body)
#useless things:
sms.setAttribute("read", "1")
sms.setAttribute("protocol", "0")
sms.setAttribute("status", "-1")
sms.setAttribute("locked", "0")
if (test_run or sms_debug) and i > 50:
i += 1
if (test_run or sms_debug):
print "xml output: (cut short to 50 items and not written)"
print doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ", encoding="UTF-8")
open(outfile, 'w').write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ", encoding="UTF-8"))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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