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Releases: wisp-forest/owo-lib

[1.20.3+] oωo - 0.12.2

17 Jan 14:46
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  • EdmIo now writes the type of each element in a sequence individually, since in general not all elements will have the same type - making some sequences that are valid at runtime unserializable

[1.20.3+] oωo - 0.12.1

15 Jan 23:38
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A new sizing method joins the owo-ui framework - Sizing.expand. It works mostly the same as Sizing.fill (and indeed identically in a few cases) with the important difference that it applies after all other sizing types and only takes into account the space that remains after all other components have been inflated according to their sizing.

Along with this, the new Components.spacer can be used to, for example, easily push two components to opposite ends of their parent


  • The OverlayContainer no longer closes itself when its child is clicked inbounds but doesn't consume the event. Further, it prevents the screen from closing when ESC is pressed and instead only closes itself and it consumes all scroll events to avoid scrolling through the overlay(#199)
  • owo-ui component trees inside one of the screen implementations provided by owo (BaseOwoScreen and BaseOwoHandledScreen) can now process and consume ESC keypresses


  • Only the most specific tooltip at a given mouse pointer location is now rendered by an owo-ui tree, fixing overlapping tooltips in the config screen (#95) and preventing tooltips from showing on components that are hidden by an overlay (like a color picker)
  • EntityComponent.RenderablePlayerEntity now correctly loads skins again
  • BaseComponent.hovered is now only set to true when the component is not obscured by another one (#199)
  • When moving around the handles of a color picker, which one is affected no longer depends on the cursor position but only on which one was clicked

[1.20.3+] oωo - 0.12.0

01 Jan 18:12
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The major addition this time around is the Endec serialization framework, an interoperable alternative to Mojang's own Codec. As outlined in the changes section, this supersedes a bunch of older owo APIs as well - notably networking. To get started with endec, check out the newly written documentation:


  • NbtKey and all associated API has been removed entirely in favor of the new, Endec-based and functionally extremely similar KeyedEndec used in conjunction with MapCarrier (which is interface-injected onto the same classes as NbtCarrier used to be)
  • PacketBufSerializer has been removed in its entirety and all dependent API updated to use Endecs instead. For writing data directly to a network buffer like the old API used to allow, use the equivalent Endec (potentially obtained from the ReflectiveEndecBuilder) together with the interface-injected PacketByteBuf#write(Endec, Object) and PacketByteBuf#read(Endec)
  • As a consequence of the update to 1.20.3+, the custom text API has been simplified. Because the vanilla changes make them redundant, CustomTextContent along with CustomTextContentSerializer no longer exist - instead, simply implement the vanilla TextContent interface, create a TextContent.Type with the appropriate codec and register said type in the CustomTextRegistry as before


  • ScissorStack now clamps the width/height passed to glScissor to prevent causing OpenGL errors in contexts with funky transformations
  • All buffers in the draw context used for layers are now forcefully flushed before the layer is rendered to stop tooltips going missing due to scissoring in the layer
  • Forcefully flush all buffers after drawing an owo-ui tooltip (similar issues as above)

Finally, the following previously deprecated API elements have been removed:

  • BaseParentComponent#mountChild, use the new two-argument version instead to prevent unnecessary inflations
  • ParentComponent#collectChildren, replaced by the more appropriately named but functionally identical ParentComponent#collectDescendants
  • OwoItemGroup#setSelectedTab, OwoItemGroup#getSelectedTab and OwoItemGroup#getSelectedTabIndex - use the new equivalents which are aware that multiple tabs can be selected
  • NinePatchRenderer and OwoNinePatchRenderers, long-replaced by NinePatchTexture and OwoNinePatchTextures

[1.20.2] oωo - 0.11.4

09 Dec 21:46
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  • Having librenderdoc available system-wide on Linux no longer causes a JVM crash due to a bug in JNA which we now circumvent (#197)


02 Oct 16:10
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  • Multiple tabs can now be selected simultaneously in a single OwoItemGroup (this behavior can be disabled for each group individually if not desired)
  • The new panelWithInset(...) surface allows building interfaces in the style of the Social Interactions screen
  • Sizing with different methods (for instance, content and fixed sizing) can now be animated between (there are no immediate API changes as a result of this, merely one less runtime warning and a new feature)
  • The base point (for layout calculations) and visual position (for rendering and interaction) of an owo-ui cmponent are now two separate concepts (this again comes without any breaking API changes, merely two new methods that should be called in the appropriate places)
  • Items can now automatically have their usage statistic tracked by owo through setting OwoItemSettings#trackUsageStat()
  • [Experimental] Screens can now implement the DisposableScreen interface if they need to be notified when the player actually closes all screens (that is, returns to the game) instead of immediately when navigating to a different screen (which might then later navigate back to the first screen)


  • Methods on owo-ui components which accept a collection of components now use upper-bounded generics instead of an explicit type to allow more specific collections at the call site
  • Sizing.fill() can now be called with zero arguments to indicate 100% fill
  • UIParsing.registerFactory(...) can and should now be called with an indentifier instead of a plain string for the element name
  • ParentComponent#childById(...) is no longer @nullable, as it is generally expected to return a component in its most common use-case (querying the constituents of a UI model)


  • Trimmed armor in an ItemComponent now renders properly (#152, Zailer43)
  • Explicitly positioned owo-ui components are no longer inflated twice for each single layout pass


12 Sep 10:40
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  • Component stacking is now properly undone to prevent messing with the global z-offset (#142)
  • owo-ui HUD components are now rendered with a z-offset of 100 by default to prevent overdraw by the chat overlay (#143)
  • The EULA reader now properly works in conjunction with YesCheat (#138)


03 Jul 22:24
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  • The ltr-text-flow algorithm for flow layouts no longer miscalculates its columns in some situations (#137)
  • Clearing the text field of a color config option no longer crashes the game (#128)
  • The owo-config annotation processor should now generate type interfaces in a deterministic order every time its ran (#139)


  • OwoUIDrawContext.of(...) now inherits the matrix- and scissor-stacks of the source context - this is more intuitive given how the method is named and used & fixes a few transform-related problems in owo-ui
  • The ReiUIAdapter now flushes the draw buffer when its finished rendering to prevent mysteriously empty tooltips
  • Item insertion order when transferring container->player inventory using ScreenUtils.handleSlotTransfer(...) has been reversed to match vanilla behavior


  • A set of new interface-injected methods on DrawContext enable easy, fluent matrix-stack manipulation directly on the associated draw context (#136, Blodhgarm)
  • owo-ui now also provides exclusion zones to EMI (#103, Abbie5)
  • ItemOps.decrementPlayerHandItem(...) and .emptyAwareDecrement(...) gained new overloads which accept a count instead of always decrementing by 1 (#141, chyzman)


08 Jun 12:13
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Cross-referencing in UI models

When instantiating templates in a UI model, you can use the new <template-name>@<ui-model-id> syntax to reference a template from a different UI model. This allows much greater flexibility than before in modularizing and re-using templates across different screens.

Along with this change, the <components> element in UI model definitions is no longer required.


  • The blur() surface now supports parsing from UI models
  • BaseOwo*Screen implementations now provide the component(...) shorthand for this.adapter.rootComponent.childById(...)
  • Layers can now align their components relative to Minecraft's handled screen coordinates using alignComponentToHandledScreenCoordinates(...) on the instance
  • Surface.PANEL_INSET was added, which renders an inset area to be used inside Surface.PANEL - this looks very similar to the vanilla recipe book panel
  • Two new components, smallCheckbox(...) and slimSlider(...), were added - they function mostly identically to the already existing counterparts, but (as the name implies) take up less space and offer more customizability
  • TextAreaComponent, a third new component, is an extension of vanilla's new EditBoxWidget for general-purpose use and optimized to play nicely within an owo-ui context
  • ItemComponent offers a new property, setTooltipFromStack, which always keeps the component's tooltip in sync with the item stack it's displaying
  • The height of each line a LabelComponent can now be configured using the new lineHeight property, which allows properly supporting non-standard fonts
  • Components can now be placed at fixed percentage across their parent without respecting the components own size using Positioning.across()
  • StackLayout respects much the same layout rules as FlowLayout, but doesn't place components next to each other - instead it places them on top of each other, thus creating a stack of components
  • Containers.ltrTextFlow(...) creates a new type of FlowLayout, which works just like Components.horizontalFlow(...) but wraps when it exceeds its own width - just like how left-to-right text is laid out in a document
  • Block, item, and entity components now support NBT (and in the case of blocks, block state data) when being parsed from a UI model


Server-sided retrieval of a client's config options has been made more ergonomic. For this purpose, the generated config wrapper now exposes the key of each individual option through the .keys object. Further, ConfigSynchronizer.getClientOptions received a new override which directly accepts the config wrapper, enabling the following API:

var optionValue = ConfigSynchronizer.getClientOptions(player, MyMod.CONFIG).get(MyMod.CONFIG.keys.someOption);


  • owo-sentinel now lists the mod which included it in addition to all mods that depend on owo, in an effort to reduce confusion when mod authors don't declare their dependency (BasiqueEvangelist, #123)
  • AutoRegistryContainer provides two new convenience functions:
    • .register(...), which is simply an alias for FieldRegistrationHandler.register(...)
    • .conform(...), which forcefully casts a Class<?> to a Class<T> for implementing getTargetFieldType() for parametrized classes



  • HUD now processes removal requests before add requests, allowing HUD components to be properly reloaded within the same frame
  • When the inspector draws slot indices in a handled screen, it now uses H: to denote the slot index in the handler and I: to indicate that slot's index into its respective inventory
  • The file(...) UI model data source is now deprecated in favor of a new, configurable hot reload system which is only active in development. This way, you cannot accidentally ship your mod with the file data source enabled, causing it to crash in production
  • NinePatchRenderer was renamed to NinePatchTexture and reworked to function in a data-driven manner. No old functionality has been removed yet, it was however deprecated. More details on how to use the new implementation will be added to the documentation shortly



  • ItemComponents once again use correct lighting on side-lit models and apply lighting properly when non-side-lit models are scaled down
  • LabelComponent now properly fetches the text style under the cursor when determining which hover and click events to execute
  • TextFieldWidget and EditBoxWidget now have their tick() function called when wrapped by owo-ui, making their cursors blink properly
  • ScrollContainer.scrollTo(...) now works properly on horizontal containers and has a new overload for directly specifying the target scroll offset without supplying a component


  • owo-config screen providers are now once again properly listed in Mod Menu


  • ParticleSystemControllers no longer forcefully require handshaking when merely mentioned, fixing optional handshaking (BasiqueEvangelist, #123)
  • By utilizing new API within Roughly Enough Items, handled screens built with owo-ui now properly layer with the REI overlay - there should be no more over- and underdraw

Finally, the following previously deprecated API elements have been removed:

  • VerticalFlowLayout and HorizontalFlowLayout, which have been replaced by instantiating FlowLayout with the respective Algorithm
  • OptionComponent and OptionComponents.createSlider, which were replaced by OptionValueProvider and OptionComponents.createRangeControls respectivel
  • SliderComponent#onChanged, replaced by the respective event stream


30 May 17:28
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Continuing the spirit of the last two releases, this build brings another very important fix - this time to config synchronization. The previous implementation had a bug where all synced options would be lost upon death of the player, which caused crashes specifically in conjunction with YIGD and Numismatic Overhaul

This should ideally be the last build that backports fixes from the 0.11 prereleases and therefor the last release for 1.19.4 before we move onto 1.20


25 May 21:02
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Just like 0.10.4, this is another round of small fixes:

  • Fabric API fixed their implementation of the screen render event, leading to owo's workaround now breaking rendering of owo-ui layers
  • Lighting orientation on owo-ui item components was fixed, as proposed in #119