Releases: wisp-forest/owo-lib
Headless environment support for sentinel, updated TagInjector framework, fix compatibility with Quilt Loader, add RegistryAccess, allow ClientParticles to randomize velocity on only one axis, deprecate @ElementType and @MapTypes, relocate RegistryHelper creation, add deferred packet and particle system handlers, add dispatched and polymorphic packet serializer framework, freeze particle systems
Optional channels, automatic generics extraction, removed deprecated ServerParticles and field processing api
First public release for 1.18.2
Update to loom 0.11, add default serializers for ChunkPos and ParticleEffect, add 'query_poi' debug command, make text field injection trert didgts as word characters
Fix handshake stalling the client when the server is incompatible, freeze channels after mod init, rename particle system exectute method to spawn, fix namespace of enum argument type
Add handshake support to avoid joining incompatible servers, add offline data api, add new particle api, fix primitive array serialization
Added networking API, some additions to ReflectionUtils
Fix crash caused by an action registered via the RegistryHelper registering a new entry into its registry, make KawaiiUtil part of the public API
API change in FieldProcessingSubject and its dependents - all methods that got passed ID and value now also get passed the field object
Fix compat crash on servers if "OperatingSystem" was classloaded