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2. Dashboard methods
The data portal exposure prototype dashboard aims at providing city decision makers with web-based application for visualizing exposure indicators at the city levels. The dashboard is deployed in this link: https://wri-cities.shinyapps.io/cities-exposure-dashboard/
A development version of the dashboard is deployed in this link: https://wri-cities.shinyapps.io/cities-exposure-dashboard-dev/. This version contains more features such as the integration of flood exposure but more work is needed for improving its performance.
The main goals of this dashboard consist of providing answers to these questions:
- What is the spatial distribution of natural hazards within the city?
- What are the sectors and population groups that are the most exposed to these hazards?
- Where are the most exposed physical assets and population?
The exposure dashboard is composed of 4 main ui components:
- Tabs: User can explore amenity exposure and population exposure in two distinct tabs.
- Inputs - Filters: A list of filters is proposed to the user to interact with the exposure data
- Outputs - Main indicators: A summary of main indicators based on the user's inputs
- Outputs - Charts: A variety of data visualization tools for exploring the exposure data (maps, bar charts, narrative, tables...)
- City: User selects a city among a list of processed cities
- Hazard: User selects a hazard among a list of defined hazards. Only heat and flooding hazards are considered in this version.
- Period of interest: User select a period of interest for the selected hazard.
- Amenities' sectors: User filter amenities based on the associated sectors.
- Heat threshold: User select the heat threshold to consider for computing amenities' exposure indicators. Any change in the heat threshold will have an impact on the different outputs in the dashboard.
- Amenity average heat value (based on the selected sectors)
- Heat deviation value of selected amenities from all amenities
- Heat deviation ratio of selected amenities from all amenities
The amenity exposure map is composed of 3 layers:
- The administrative boundaries of the selected city
- The heat raster layer within the city boundary (as extracted from land surface temperature data)
- The spatial distribution of amenities with the corresponding properties (amenity type, amenity sector, and heat value).
- The spatial distribution of amenities colored based on their exposure level (low, moderate, and high)
The narrative summary propose a text summarizing the main outputs based on the selected filters. Changing values are colored in blue.
This bar charts presents amenities' heat deviation ratio aggregated at the sectors levels. The bar colors attempts to distinguish between 3 categories of sectors: reds for sectors with high exposure ratio (heat deviation ratio > 10%), orange for sectors with moderate exposure (heat deviation ratio between 0 and 10%), green for sectors with low exposure (heat deviation ratio < 0%).
This bar chart is reactive to the heat threshold.
This table provides summary statistics of amenities exposure aggregated by sectors. These statistics are reactive to user defined heat threshold.
Field name | Description |
Sector name | The name of the sector based on GCoM framework |
Number of amenities | Number of amenities belonging to the sector and located within the selected city boundary |
Min heat value | Minimum amenity heat value in the corresponding sector |
Average heat value | Average sector's amenities heat value |
Max heat value | Maximum amenity heat value in the corresponding sector |
Number of exposed amenities | Number of amenities by sector |
Percent of exposed amenities | Percent of amenities with heat value higher than the selected threshold |
Average deviation ratio | Average amenities heat deviation from the selected threshold |
Exposure category | Exposure category at the sector level: Low when percent of exposed amenities is less than 50%, moderate if the percent of exposed amenities is between 50% qnd 75% and high f the percent of exposed amenities is higher than 75%. |
- City: The same filter value as the amenity exposure tab is selected.
- Hazard: The same filter value as the amenity exposure tab is selected.
- Period of interest: The same filter value as the amenity exposure tab is selected.
- Population category: User filter population categories between 4 proposed values (All population, elderly, children, ad women). The map is updated based on the selected population category value.
- Heat threshold: User select the heat threshold to consider for computing population exposure indicators. Any change in the heat threshold will have an impact on the different outputs in the dashboard.
- Percent of exposed population: Percent of population within the city boundary located in area with heat value higher than the heat selected threshold.
The population exposure map is composed of 3 layers:
- The administrative boundaries of the selected city
- The heat raster layer within the city boundary (as extracted from land surface temperature data)
- The population count raster layer depending on the selected population category.
- The population exposure raster layer classified into 3 categories as described in previous wiki page
field name | Description |
Population category | The category of population considered |
Population count | The number of persons in each category |
Population percent | The number of persons in each category divided by the total population within the city |
Number of exposed population | Number of persons in each category located in areas with heat value higher than selected threshold |
Percent of exposed population from population category | Number of exposed population in each category divided by the number of persons in each category |
Percent of exposed population from all population | Number of exposed population in each category divided by the total number of population within the city |
Send inquiries regarding this documentation or the associated code to [email protected].
Every item in this repository is a work in progress and should not be considered official WRI products or releases. For more information about the project status, please contact [email protected].