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Using GeoEasy as a data converter from the command line

Zoltan Siki edited this page Dec 28, 2021 · 1 revision

From version 3.2.1 you can use GeoEasy as a command line tool to convert between different supported data formats. The new --exp switch can be used to specify the target format together with the --nogui switch. The converted files will be stored in the folder of the source file.

For example to convert coordinates from geo files in the demodata folder to csv use the following command:

./geo_easy.tcl --nogui --exp csv --log stderr demodata/*.geo

--nogui redirects GUI messages to log file and exit GeoEasy after processing the command line

--exp format exports the files given in the command line to the format in the same directory (geo, are, job, wld, gsi, scr,sdr,210, nik, csv, itr, txt, gpx, dmp, kml, sql, and dxf formats are supported)

--log stderr redirects log messages to the standard error, otherwise the default log file is used

demodata/*.geo input files to convert, you can specify more source files in any supported formats

Note: in case of dxf input files the texts from any layers will be converted into points, the point ID will be the text and the point code will be the DXF layer name. Double texts will be skipped without warnings.

Note: on Windows you cannot use wildcards in file names, but you can specify more input files