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Hoodad edited this page Jan 30, 2013 · 1 revision

Om ni vill logga kanalen - För hydraIRC, Options -> Prefs -> Logs And History -> Logging -> Enable Logging

Automatisk inloggning på kanalen på HydraIrc: Options -> Prefs -> Scripts -> Skapa en Command Profile som heter OnStartUp

I commands, skriv /server Skapa en till command profile: FreeNode_OnLoggedIn och skriv i commands: /join #MAJESTIC8GAME weareawesome

Enable start up on windows log in

Go to your HydraIRC (or similar path for your IRC program) installation folder in this example C:\Program Files (x86)\HydraIRC. Create a shortcut to the *.exe file, copy the shortcut to your local user romaing directory, in this example C:\Users\Hoodad\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. That's it you're done!

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