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R-package pCMF

Copyright 2019 Ghislain Durif. The pCMF package is available under the GPL-v2 license.


The pCMF package contains mplementation of the probabilistic Count Matrix Factorization (pCMF) method based on the Gamma-Poisson hirerarchical factor model with potential sparisty-inducing priors on factor V. This method is specifically designed to analyze large count matrices with numerous potential drop-out events (also called zero-inflation) such as gene expression profiles from single cells data (scRNA-seq) obtained by high throughput sequencing.

In this framework, we consider a count data matrix $X$ with $n$ rows being individuals (e.g. cells in single-cell data) and $p$ columns being recorded variables (e.g. gene expression in scRNA-seq data).

The pCMF approach uses matrix factorization to jointly construct a representation of individuals (cells) and variables (genes) in a low dimensional space, respectively the matrices $U$ of dimension $n \times K$ and $V$ of dimension $p \times K$ where $K$ is the dimension of this latent space. This representation can be used for data visualization (c.f. example below). Our method can also be used as a preliminary dimension reduction step before clustering.


In the probabilistic Count Matrix Factorization framework (pCMF), the count data matrix $X$ (of dimension $n \times p$) is approximated by a matrix product $U V^t$ where $U_{n\times K}$ and $V_{p\times K}$ respectively represent the individuals (rows of $X$) and variables (columns of $X$) in a sub-space of dimension $K$.

In the pCMF framework, the approximation between $X$ and $U V^t$ is made regarding the Bregman divergence (generalization of Euclidean distance to non-Gaussian data) derived from the model $X \sim P(U V^t)$, i.e. each entry $X_{ij}$ is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution of parameter $\sum_k U_{ik} V_{jk}$. In addition, we consider a hierarchical model with Gamma prior distributions on factors $U$ and $V$. Our probabilistic model is able to account for zero-inflation (potential drop-out events) in the data matrix $X$ and/or for sparsity in the factor matrix $V$.

More details regarding pCMF can be found in Durif et al. (2019).


Durif, G., Modolo, L., Mold, J.E., Lambert-Lacroix, S., Picard, F., 2019. Probabilistic Count Matrix Factorization for Single Cell Expression Data Analysis. arXiv:1710.11028 [stat].

All codes used to run experiments on pCMF in the paper are available at

Instruction for users


You can install the pCMF R package with the following R command:

devtools::install_github("gdurif/pCMF", subdir="pkg", ref="prod")

If you don't have OpenMP installed on your machine (for instance on MacOS), you can run the following command:

devtools::install_github("gdurif/pCMF", subdir="pkg", ref="prod_no_omp")

Note: We encourage you to install a compiler (e.g. gcc) that supports OpenMP in order to benefit from multi-core computing and improve computation performance.

To install the devtools package, you can run:


You can also use the git repository available at, then build and install the package with Rstudio (the project file is set accordingly) or with the R command line tools.

To clone the repository, you can do:

git clone

Note: if you don't have OpenMP on your system (c.f. previously), after cloning the repository, you should do:

cd pCMF
git fetch origin prod_no_omp
git checkout prod_no_omp

Once you cloned the git repository, you can run to install the pCMF package:

devtools::install("/path/to/pCMF/pkg") # you should edit the path

Example of use

  • Import the library
  • Data: You can also use your own data, it should be a matrix of integer count values with individuals (cells) in row and variables (gene expression) in columns.

  • Simulations of data based on the generative model associated to our approach. See Durif et al. (2017, Appendix) for more details about our data generation process. Here, we generate 3 groups of individuals (structured by $U$), 2 groups of genes with 40% of noisy genes (structured by $V$). We add a level of 50% of drop-out events in the data.

## generate data
n <- 100
p <- 500
K <- 20
factorU <- generate_factor_matrix(n, K, ngroup=2,
factorV <- generate_factor_matrix(p, K, ngroup=2, average_signal=120,
U <- factorU$factor_matrix
V <- factorV$factor_matrix
count_data <- generate_count_matrix(n, p, K, U, V,
                                    ZI=TRUE, prob1=rep(0.4,p))
X <- count_data$X
## or use your own data as a count matrix
## of dimension cells x genes (individuals x features)
  • Heatmap of the count data matrix:
  • Pre-filtering of the variables (genes)
kept_cols <- prefilter(X, prop = 0.05, quant_max = 0.95, 
                       presel = TRUE, threshold = 0.2)

To save computation time, you can use the variance-based heuristic for variable/gene pre-selection:

kept_cols <- prefilter(X, prop = 0.05, quant_max = 0.95,
                       presel = TRUE, threshold = 0.2)

Remove variables that were filtered out:

X <- X[,kept_cols]
  • Apply the pCMF approach on the data with $K=2$
## run pCMF algorithm
res1 <- pCMF(X, K=2, verbose=FALSE, zero_inflation = TRUE, 
             sparsity = TRUE, ncores=8) # edit nb of cores
  • Check which variables (genes) contribute to the low-dimensional representation (non-null entries in $V$), and re-apply the method with this genes:
## estimated probabilities
## corresponding indicator (prob_S > threshold, where threshold = 0.5)
## rerun with genes that contributes
res2 <- pCMF(X[,res1$sparse_param$prior_prob_S>0],
             K=2, verbose=FALSE, zero_inflation = TRUE, 
             sparsity = FALSE, ncores=8)
  • Get estimated factor matrices: $\hat{U}$ and $\hat{V}$ can be used for clustering of individuals (cells) or variables (genes):
hatU <- getU(res2)
hatV <- getV(res2)
  • Data visualization:

    1. Individuals (cells):
## individual representation 
graphU(res2, axes=c(1,2), labels=factorU$feature_label)

  1. Variables (genes), sparse representation:
## variable representation (0 are noise variables)
graphV(res1, axes=c(1,2), 

  1. Variables (genes), representation after gene selection:
## variable representation (0 are noise variables)
graphV(res2, axes=c(1,2), 

Instructions for developpers

Development mode

(For Unix users: GNU/Linux or MacOS)

To enable C++ unit tests (based on the Catch library included in the testthat R package) and additional verbosity, you can edit the Makevars by adding the following compilation flag -D_DEV before installing pCMF, i.e. replace the first line of the file with:


Construction of the package

The C++ sources of the pCMF package are organised as follows: