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Automated (phospho)proteomics processing pipeline for large patient cohorts providing cohort as well as patient-specific insights.


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Automated (phospho)proteomics processing pipeline for large patient cohorts providing cohort as well as patient-specific insights.

The results of the pipeline can be explored on the web-based TOPAS portal: A public instance of the portal can be found here:

Supported inputs

  • MaxQuant (TMT, LFQ)
  • SIMSI-Transfer (TMT)

Runtime overview

Runtimes exclude processing time of SIMSI-Transfer.

Dataset #samples #cores runtime (h) max memory (GB)
CPTAC UCEC 170 8 1.2 30
CPTAC BRCA 170 8 1.4 30
CPTAC LUAD 250 8 2 40
MTB cohort 2068 8


The pipeline needs configurations input from a JSON file format. Examples can be found in config.json (full version) and config_minimal.json (only required configs). Both relative and absolute paths are allowed.

Input parameters:

Parameter Required Description Example Default
results_folder yes Path to the folder where results will be written. "results/example_run"
sample_annotation yes Path to the sample annotation file (CSV). "example/annotation.csv"
metadata_annotation yes Path to the metadata annotation file (Excel). "example/METADATA_UCEC.xlsx"
raw_file_folders yes List of raw file folders for proteomics and phosphoproteomics data. ["example/raw_fp", "example/raw_pp"]
data_types List of data types to process: "fp" for proteome and "pp" for phosphoproteome. ["fp", "pp"] ["fp", "pp"]
slack_webhook_url URL for the Slack webhook. "" ""
run_simsi Boolean indicating whether to run SIMSI analysis. true true
simsi_folder yes Path to the folder for writing SIMSI-Transfer results. "results/SIMSI" N/A
tmt_ms_level MS level for TMT quantification. "ms2" "ms2"
stringencies Stringency value for MaRaCluster. 10 10
tmt_requantify Boolean indicating whether to requantify TMT data. false false
maximum_pep Maximum posterior error probability in percent for peptide ID propagation. 1 1
num_threads Number of threads to use for SIMSI-Transfer. 8 8
raw_data_location yes Path to the folder containing MaxQuant search result folders. "example/CPTAC_searches" N/A
fasta_file yes Path to the FASTA file for protein sequences. "example/uniprot_human.fasta" N/A
picked_fdr False discovery rate threshold for protein groups. 0.01 0.01
fdr_num_threads Number of threads to use in MaxLFQ computation. 8 8
imputation Perform data imputation within batch on phosphoproteome level. true true
debug Run in debug mode. false false
run_lfq Input is from LFQ experiments. false false
normalize_to_reference Normalize channel intensities to the reference channel. false false
pspFastaFile yes Path to the PSP FASTA file. "PSP_annotations/Phosphosite_seq.fasta" N/A
pspKinaseSubstrateFile yes Path to the PSP kinase-substrate dataset. "PSP_annotations/Kinase_Substrate_Dataset" N/A
pspAnnotationFile yes Path to the PSP phosphorylation site dataset. "PSP_annotations/Phosphorylation_site_dataset" N/A
pspRegulatoryFile yes Path to the PSP regulatory sites file. "PSP_annotations/Regulatory_sites" N/A
prot_baskets yes Path to the annotation file for TOPAS scores and proteins of interest. "TOPASscores_POI_AS_250307.xlsx" N/A
extra_kinase_annot Path to the annotation file with custom kinase-substrate relations. "" ""
samples_for_report Which samples to include in the report. "all" "all"
update Automatically update the TOPAS portal once the run has finished false false
cohort Specifies the cohort name that should be updated in the TOPAS portal. "" ""
url URL of the TOPAS portal. "" ""
config Configuration file for the TOPAS portal. "" ""

Install webhook for slack (optional)

If you want the pipeline to post update messages (finished runs, error messages) to your slack channel, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new slack app here:, use the from scratch option.
  2. Select your slack workspace and pick an appropriate name for the app, e.g. topas-pipeline.
  3. Navigate to Incoming webhooks in the left menu.
  4. Set Activate Incoming webhooks to On if this was not already the case.
  5. Click on Add New Webhook to Workspace at the bottom of the page.
  6. Select the channel you want to post messages in.
  7. Copy the generated Webhook URL to your config file as the slack_webhook_url property.


Running the pipeline

With Docker (recommended)


  • git
  • docker
  • make
  1. Clone this repository
    git clone
  2. Build the docker image
    make build
  3. Create a config file named config_patients.json in the repository with your configurations (see section Configuration) and run:
    make docker_all 
    You can use a custom config file (works only with relative paths) and adjust the memory and cores (default: 300GB, 8 cores):
    CONFIG_FILE=./path/to/config.json MEMORY_LIMIT=300gb CPU_LIMIT=16 make docker_all

With conda and poetry


  • git
  • Python ">=3.9, <=3.11"
  • poetry
  • make
  • conda
  1. Create environment and install required packages from poetry.lock file:
    conda create --name topas-pipeline python=3.9.12
    conda activate topas-pipeline
  2. Clone this repository
    git clone
  3. Install dependencies and start a poetry shell
    poetry install
    poetry shell
  4. Adjust the file paths in config_minimal.json and run:
    make all

Note that it is also possible to run individual pipeline modules, e.g.:

# run simsi
python -m topas_pipeline.simsi -c config.json

# run whole pipeline following simsi
python -m topas_pipeline.main -c config.json 

# run clinical annotation
python -m topas_pipeline.clinical_process -c config.json


An example of the project folder setup and configuration file can be found in the /example folder. Check the ReadMe in the /example folder for details.

Integration tests

If problems arise with running the pipeline, check if the integration tests pass.

pytest ./tests/integration_tests/
pytest ./tests/integration_tests/
pytest ./tests/integration_tests/

Pipeline result files

The pipeline creates a folder with multiple output files:

Output file Description Used on portal
config.json Copy of the configuration file in JSON format used for this pipeline run as described above.
sample_annot.tsv Saved copy of current version of sample annotation/metadata given as input
sample_annot_filtered.tsv Subset of sample annotation/metadata after filtering out QC failed samples
meta_input_file_{data_type}.tsv Location per batch of search folder input, raw files and TMT correction factor file
{data_type}_qc_numbers.csv Per sample count of peptides, median intensities and summed intensities
{data_type}_qc_batch_wise.csv Per batch median and summed intensities
{data_type}_in_batch_correction_factors.csv Per sample correction factors for in-batch median centering
{data_type}_ms1_correction_factors.csv Per batch correction factors for MS1 median centering
evidence.txt Combined output from SIMSI-Transfer (same format as MQ evidence file)
pickedGeneGroups.txt Output from Picked Protein Group FDR (using gene-level)
pickedGeneGroups_with_quant.txt Groups from Picked Protein Group FDR (using gene-level) containing quant using MaxLFQ algorithm
preprocessed_{data_type}.csv Data matrix with patients as columns and normalized abundances of proteins or phosphopeptides as rows
preprocessed_{data_type}_with_ref.csv Same as preprocessed_{data_type}.csv but also containing the QC channels
annot_{data_type}.csv Same as preprocessed_{data_type}.csv but with clinical annotations
annot_{data_type}_with_ref.csv Same as preprocessed_{data_type}_with_ref.csv but with clinical annotations
{data_type}_measures_rank.tsv Data matrix with patients as columns and in-cohort rank of proteins or phosphopeptides as rows
{data_type}_measures_fc.tsv Same as {data_type}_measures_rank.tsv but with fold changes
{data_type}_measures_z.tsv Same as {data_type}_measures_rank.tsv but with z-scores
{data_type}_measures_p.tsv Same as {data_type}_measures_rank.tsv but with p-values derived from the z-scores
basket_scores_4th_gen_zscored.tsv Data matrix with patients as columns and TOPAS scores as rows
subbasket_scores_{topas_rtk}.tsv Data matrix with patients as columns and TOPAS subscores as rows for each TOPAS RTK
kinase_results/kinase_scores.tsv Data matrix with patients as columns and TOPAS substrate phosphorylation scores as rows
protein_results/protein_scores.tsv Data matrix with patients as columns and TOPAS protein phosphorylation scores as rows
Reports/{patient_id}.xlsx Patient-specific reports
Pipeline_log.txt Log messages printed by the pipeline


Automated (phospho)proteomics processing pipeline for large patient cohorts providing cohort as well as patient-specific insights.







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