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Akkarinage edited this page Nov 5, 2016 · 1 revision

title: Folder Structure permalink: /Folder_Structure/

Location Description
/3rdparty/ 3rd party files, such as mysql.h
/conf/ Main configuration settings, such as connection settings, battle settings and mapflags.
/conf/import/ Import folder, mainly used to keep your configuration settings after an SVN update.
/conf/battle/ Where you will find settings to change the rates, drops, max stats and such for your server.
/conf/msg_conf/import/ Used for importing message files.
/conf/msg_conf/import-tmpl/ Template files for importing message files.
/conf/msg_conf/ Message files, available for English (default), Chinese, France, Germany, Indonesian, Portugese, Russian, Spain, and Thai
/db/ Databases, such as the job_db, experience tables, item and mob flat-file databases.
/db/import/ Database files for importing/customizations purpose.
/db/import-tmpl/ Template files for database import.
/db/pre-re/ Pre renewal database files.
/db/re/ Renewal database files.
/doc/ Various documented settings, mainly for database settings.
/doc/samples/ Sample scripts.
/log/ If you generate any log files, such as picklog or atcommandlog, they will be stored and updated here.
/npc/ Any NPC/spawn file you will find in the game is in here.
/npc/airports/ The airports and airship scripts are in here, and any NPC related to them.
/npc/battlegrounds Battlegrounds scripts can be found in here.
/npc/cities/ Any non-quest, non-kafra NPC found in the towns are here.
/npc/custom/ Any NPC not officially supported by rAthena is located in here. Here is where you will find your healers, warpers and MVP arenas.
/npc/events/ Any official events, such as twin-towers or Christmas events on the official servers.
/npc/guides/ Any guides in the cities.
/npc/guild/ WoE scripts and functions are in here.
/npc/guild2/ WoE:SE scripts and functions.
/npc/jobs/ Job changing scripts and quests, as well as functions.
/npc/kafras/ Kafra scripts and functions.
/npc/mapflags/ Folder with all the mapflags, such as noteleport, pvp and gvg.
/npc/merchants/ Any official merchants in here.
/npc/mobs/ Spawn scripts for fields, dungeons as well as city cleaners in here.
/npc/other/ Scripts that don't really fit anywhere else, like the marriage script.
/npc/pre-re/ Pre Renewal scripts
/npc/quests/ Official Quests, such as the Sign Quest or Thanatos Tower.
/npc/re/ Renewal scripts
/npc/warps/ Warp portals, and scripts, that behave that way.
/save-tmpl/ If using TXT, this is where all your player information is to be stored, such as accounts, characters and guilds.
/sql-files/ If using SQL, this is where the pre-made database dumps are, that will populate your database with the correct tables and such.
/src/ All source files, the meat and potatoes of the emu.
/src/char/ Character server source files.
/src/common/ Common between both TXT and SQL server settings. mmo.h is in here, the file that will modify most of the hard-coded server settings.
/src/config/ Some config source files, such as const.h, core.h, renewal.h, and secure.h
/src/config/classes/ Another config files, general.h.
/src/custom/ Alternative source files for 'simple' customization atcommand and script command.
/src/login/ Login server source files.
/src/map/ Map server source files.
/src/plugins/ Plugins source files.
/src/tool/ Tools source files, such as the mapcache maker.
/tools/ Contains tool scripts for various maintenance-related tasks.
/vcproj-9/ Project 9 Files,Files used if Using MS Visual Studio C++ 2008
/vcproj-10/ Project 10 Files,Files used if using MS Visual Studio C++ 2010
/vcproj-12/ Project 12 Files,Files used if using MS Visual Studio C++ 2012
/vcproj-13/ Project 13 Files,Files used if using MS Visual Studio C++ 2013


Getting Started

Configure your Server


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Misc Databases

Third-Party Software

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