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Akkarinage edited this page Nov 5, 2016 · 1 revision

title: Using rAsql permalink: /Using_rAsql/

rAsql is "an easy to use one-click installer for a local SQL testing environment on Windows." [2] It automatically starts a MySQL instance by creating a virtual drive on the computer and also provides a management tool in the form of HeidiSQL. rAsql is based on Uniform Mini Server.

Do note that rAsql is meant for local testing of rAthena only and should not be used for hosting a public server.


TXT save engine offered a way for users to test scripts and other things with basically zero set-up required. After the fork from eAthena, Users were asked to vote as to what should be done about the TXT support. It has been decided that support for TXT would be dropped [1]. rAsql was created by Yommy to serve as a replacement for TXT, which was officially dropped in revision 15503.

Downloading rAsql

rAsql can be obtained from the rAthena GitHub repository:

Setting up rAsql

rAsql is preconfigured and doesn't require any additional setup, except initial database import. It can be done with any SQL client, preferably with bundled HeidiSQL.

By default rAsql listens on the same port as regular MySQL server, ie. 3306, and accepts connections only from localhost. There is one SQL user ragnarok (password: ragnarok) and one user database ragnarok.

Initial database import in HeidiSQL

  • Running mysql_start.bat will start the MySQL instance and open HeidiSQL.


  • Click Open. This will connect you to the MySQL server. Select your ragnarok database.


  • Select Import -> Load SQL File... (or press Ctrl+O). Navigate to sql-files inside your rAthena folder and open main.sql.


  • Press F9 to run the script.


Controlling rAsql


To start rAsql run mysql_start.bat.


To stop rAsql run mysql_stop.bat.

Password Change

To change the default password for the user ragnarok you will need to:

  • Click Tools -> User Manager
  • Input the new password for both ragnarok@localhost and [email protected]
  • Open mysql_close.bat in notepad and change the password on the line:

udrive\bin\mysqladmin.exe --port=3306 --user=ragnarok --password=ragnarok shutdown



Getting Started

Configure your Server


Setup the Client

Misc Databases

Third-Party Software

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