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IHM Meeting Summary Jul 5 2018

brindakv edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 2 revisions

IHM Meeting Summary Jul 5, 2018

Attended by Ben Webb and Brinda Vallat

  1. The discussion was focused on the modeling dictionary. BW will review the latest revisions that address the following:

    • Added a category to list the models deposited
    • Changed the oligomer modeling category to a generic structural assembly category
    • Added a data group category to group the data together, which is now referenced in the step input and step output categories
    • Revised data items to reflect the fact that templates, targets, alignments and restraints are all "DATA" that can be inputs or outputs in a modeling step
    • Distance (angle and dihedral) restraints have been revised to match the current set of definitions in the IHM-dictionary
    • Step input, step output and criteria are three categories that can be applied to the modeling protocol. MA_CRITERIA has been revised to reflect this change.
    • Added an example to extend the ATOM_SITE in order to incorporate data items for local model quality scores.
    • To be addressed: Provenance for spatial restraints and requirements for fragment assembly based methods.
  2. Stefan from SIB is visiting Rutgers and meetings may be scheduled within short notice based on his schedule / work plan.

  3. Pom152 and Nup133 have been revised to comply with the latest IHM-dictionary. BV will update PDB-Dev accordingly (done).

  4. Next meeting is on Thursday, July 12th, at 9:00 AM PDT / 12:00 PM EDT / 6:00 PM CEST.

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