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IHM Meeting Summary Mar 16 2017

brindakv edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 1 revision

IHM Meeting Summary Mar 16, 2017

Attended by BW, TG, JW and BV

  1. ihm_starting_model_seq_dif category has been added to the dictionary to address point differences between the amino acid sequences of the current entry and the strarting model entry in a reference database.

  2. Issue 12: BV to include the external file data item in the ihm_ensemble_info category.

  3. BW will provide a document summarizing Salilab discussions on generalizing ihm_time_ordered_ensemble category. BW will also update IMP to generate Nup84, mediator and exosome models that comply with recent dictionary updates.

  4. 3D genome structures: Discussion on a recently published paper in Nature regarding 3D structures of Genomes. The experimental data and the structures (in pseudo-PDB format) are available on the Gene Expression Omnibus site (accession code: GSE80280).

  5. Updates to Model Archive Dictionary: New categories include ma_protocol_step, ma_step_input, ma_step_output, ma_data. Do we need a similar set of categories to capture integrative modeling workflows in the IHM dictionary? BW to consult AS.

  6. Discussion on modeling of protein structures using residue-residue contacts inferred from evolutionary data. See recent paper in Science.

  7. BW to update doodle poll to include two additional dates for the larger group meeting: Mar 23 and Apr 4.

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