curated documents pertaining to early molten salt reactor research.
poor text formatting in many of the publically available pdf scans of documents pertaining to early molten salt reactors make it cumbersome to sift out specific details. this repository is intending to make a searchable archive of ocr text files of documents pertaining to molten salt reactors, the need of which stem from the msre cad file project.
documents are rescanned with optical character recognition (ocr) using ocrmypdf, tesseract, and training set 'eng.traineddata'.
disclaimer: this repository is not intended to be a distribution of pdf documents, or an infringement on any possible copyright claims. for the original documents we refer to other sites, such as ornl's library catalog or energyfromthorium.
this repo uses git lfs (git large file storage) to manage version history of pdf's. so to clone this repo with the pdf's to your system you'll need to install git and git-lfs.
to search the repository for a keyword or phase it's recommended to use the atom editor's 'search in folder' function on the '/ocr' folder as is demonstrated here for the keyword 'msbr'
using the plus and minus buttons at the top the context can be expanded or contracted. the individual pdf documents of interest in the '/docs' folder can then be opened with a pdf viewer.
this method can be used to find documents with relevant information. be aware that the ocr is not great and there can be issues with missing spaces and wrong identification of letters and numbers, e.g. 'l00p' instead of 'loop'.
- Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Fluid Fuel Reactors
- Nuclear Applications and Technology
- ORNL Reports Related to Liquid-Fluoride Reactors and Technology
- ORNL Technical Memoranda Related to the Molten-Salt Reactor Program
- ORNL Central Files Related to the Molten-Salt Reactor Program
- Liquid-Chloride Reactors
- EIP Documents
- Assorted Documents
- New Piles Commitee Documents
article | filename | ocr |
Molten Fluorides as Power Reactor Fuels | NSE_moltenFluorides | txt |
The Aircraft Reactor Experiment--Design and Construction | NSE_ARE_Design | txt |
The Aircraft Reactor Experiment--Physics | NSE_ARE_Physics | txt |
The Aircraft Reactor Experiment--Operation | SE_ARE_Operation | txt |
part | filename | ocr |
Part I: Aqueous Homogeneous Reactors | FFR_part1 | txt |
Part II: Molten-Salt Reactors | FFR_part2 | txt |
Part III: Liquid Metal Fuel Reactors | FFR_part3 | txt |
chapter | filename | ocr |
Chapter 1: Homogeneous Reactors and their Development | FFR_chap01 | txt |
Chapter 2: Nuclear Characteristics of One- and Two-Region Homogeneous Reactors | FFR_chap02 | txt |
Chapter 3: Properties of Aqueous Fuel Solutions | FFR_chap03 | txt |
Chapter 4: Technology of Aqueous Suspensions | FFR_chap04 | txt |
Chapter 5: Integrity of Metals in Homogeneous Reactor Media | FFR_chap05 | txt |
Chapter 6: Chemical Processing | FFR_chap06 | txt |
Chapter 7: Design and Construction of Experimental Homogeneous Reactors | FFR_chap07 | txt |
Chapter 8: Component Development | FFR_chap08 | txt |
Chapter 9: Large-Scale Homogeneous Reactor Studies | FFR_chap09 | txt |
Chapter 10: Homogeneous Reactor Cost Studies | FFR_chap10 | txt |
chapter | filename | ocr |
Chapter 11: Introduction | FFR_chap11 | txt |
Chapter 12: Chemical Aspects of Molten Fluoride Salt Reactor Fuels | FFR_chap12 | txt |
Chapter 13: Construction Materials for Molten-Salt Reactors | FFR_chap13 | txt |
Chapter 14: Nuclear Aspects of Molten-Salt Reactors | FFR_chap14 | txt |
Chapter 15: Equipment for Molten-Salt Reactors Heat-Transfer Systems | FFR_chap15 | txt |
Chapter 16: Aircraft Reactor Experiment | FFR_chap16 | txt |
Chapter 17: Conceptual Design of a Power Reactor | FFR_chap17 | txt |
chapter | filename | ocr |
Chapter 18: Liquid Metal Fuel Reactors | FFR_chap18 | txt |
Chapter 19: Reactor Physics for Liquid Metal Reactors Design | FFR_chap19 | txt |
Chapter 20: Composition and Properties of Liquid Metal Fuels | FFR_chap20 | txt |
Chapter 21: Materials of Construction--Metallurgy | FFR_chap21 | txt |
Chapter 22: Chemical Processing | FFR_chap22 | txt |
Chapter 23: Engineering Design | FFR_chap23 | txt |
Chapter 24: Liquid-Metal Fuel Reactor Design Study | FFR_chap24 | txt |
Chapter 25: Additional Liquid Metal Reactors | FFR_chap06 | txt |
article | filename | ocr |
Preface: Molten Salt Reactors | NAT_preface | txt |
Molten-Salt Reactors--History, Status, and Potential | NAT_MSRintro | txt |
Experience with the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment | NAT_MSREexperience | txt |
Molten-Salt Reactor Chemistry | NAT_MSRchemistry | txt |
New Developments in Materials for Molten-Salt Reactors | NAT_MSRmaterials | txt |
Engineering Development of the MSBR Fuel Recycle | NAT_MSBRrecycle | txt |
Graphite and Xenon Behavior and Their Influence on Molten-Salt Reactor Design | NAT_graphiteXenon | txt |
The Design And Performance Features Of A Single-Fluid Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor | NAT_MSBRdesign | txt |
Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle Analyses | NAT_MSBRfuelcycle | txt |
article | filename | ocr |
Experiences with Dynamic Testing Methods at the MSRE | NAT_MSREdynamicsTesting | txt |
Theoretical Dynamics Analysis of the MSRE | NAT_MSREdynamicsAnalysis | txt |
report | filename | date | ocr |
Notes on Meeting of April 26, 1944 | MUC-LAO-17 | 1944-04 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of April 28, 1944 | MUC-LAO-18 | 1944-04 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of May 5, 1944 | MUC-LAO-19 | 1944-05 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of May 10, 1944 | MUC-LAO-20 | 1944-05 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of May 12, 1944 | MUC-LAO-21 | 1944-05 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of July 6, 1944 | MUC-LAO-30 | 1944-07 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of July 14, 1944 | MUC-LAO-40 | 1944-07 | txt |
Notes on Meeting of July 26, 1944 | MUC-LAO-41 | 1944-07 | txt |