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Brick Brushes

Lachlan McDonald edited this page May 11, 2022 · 20 revisions

The Brick brushes generates alternating rows of randomly colored bricks. The colors of the bricks are determined by the selected colors in the palette.

There are two shaders, bricks and bricks_vert, that are functionally identical except bricks are offset horizontally for bricks and vertically for bricks_vert.


Parameter Description
Mode Color mode (see below)
Direction Facing direction of the bricks
Width Width of the brick
Height Height of each brick
Depth Depth of each brick
Grout Size Width of the grout between bricks, or 0 for no grout (see below)
Grout Color Color index for the grout color, or 0 for gaps.
Offset Misalignment of bricks per row (a value of 0 will determine the misalignment automatically)
Noise Randomness of the colors within each brick. Values closer to 0 produce solid colored bricks, where as values closer to 100 produce noisy bricks (see below)
Threshold Likelihood of a brick being placed. The default of 100 means all bricks are placed, and lower values will result in missing bricks (see below)


Example of a 'Mode' value of 0 Example of a 'Mode' value of 1 Example of a 'Mode' value of 2
Mode: 0 Mode: 1 Mode: 2
Brick colors are chosen at random Brick are colored as a gradient of the selected colors along the z-axis Same as mode 1 but in reverse

Grout Size

Example of a 'Grout' value of 0 Example of a 'Grout' value of 1 Example of a 'Grout' value of 2
Grout: 0 Grout: 1 Grout: 2


Example of a 'noise' value of 0 Example of a 'noise' value of 25 Example of a 'noise' value of 75
noise: 0 noise: 25 noise: 75


Example of a 'Threshold' value of 100 Example of a 'Threshold' value of 80 Example of a 'Threshold' value of 60
Threshold: 100 Threshold: 80 Threshold: 60


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