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Clover2D Noise Brush

Lachlan McDonald edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 1 revision

clover2D is a noise brush that generates two-dimensional noise using Clover Noise.


Parameter Description
Mode See below
Direction Ground axis
Scale Scale of the noise texture
Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the height-map. The default value of 50 represents the mid-point, valueas towards 100 increase the depth of high and low values. Where as values towards 0 produces smoother terrain. For low number of Iterations or Octaves, it might be necessary to increase the contrast.
Shift Shift the mid-point of the height-map. The default value of 50 represents the normal mid-point.
Noise Additional color noise (without affecting the noise texture)
Tile X Tile offset on the X-axis
Tile Y Tile offset on the Y-axis

Tile X and Tile Y parameters are used to generate noise over multiple adjacent volumes. For instance, to create a texture that exceeds the 2562 size limit.


View the shaders below or download the latest release:

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