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Lachlan McDonald edited this page May 11, 2022 · 19 revisions

zigzag_range is a Zigzag brush that generates zigzag patterns between a range of colors; with a line for each color in the range.


Parameter Description
Direction Direction of the pattern (see below)
Width Width of the lines
Color A First color index
Color B Last color index

Setting either of the colors to 0 will result in empty voxels.

Note: Zigzag brushes have not yet been updated to use the new color selection system.


Example of a 'Direction' value of 0 Example of a 'Direction' value of 1
Direction: 0 Direction: 1
Example of a 'Direction' value of 2 Example of a 'Direction' value of 3
Direction: 2 Direction: 3


Example Example Example


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