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Lachlan McDonald edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 10 revisions

The terrain brush generates a terrain-like topography by combining different types of noise and Fractional Brownian motion.


Parameter Description
Mode Color mode (see below)
Direction Direction. A value of 1 inverts the terrain.
Scale Scale of the terrain
Iterations Number of iterations, lower values produce less terrain features and high values more features. This can be roughly thought of as increasing the height-map resolution.
Octaves Number of octives when for generating displacements of the terrain (small features). Higher values produce more features (but more noise) and lower values produce less features (and smoother terrain).
Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the height-map. The default value of 50 represents the mid-point, valueas towards 100 increase the depth of high and low values. Where as values towards 0 produces smoother terrain. For low number of Iterations or Octaves, it might be necessary to increase the contrast.
Shift Shift the mid-point of the height-map. The default value of 50 represents the normal mid-point.
Gain Influence of each iteration. Effectively this multiplies each iteration.Smaller values produce smoother terrain, and higher values produce more turbulance and noise.
Lacunarity Lacunarity
Noise Additional color noise (without affecting terrain shape)
Tile X Tile offset on the X-axis
Tile Y Tile offset on the Y-axis

Tile X and Tile Y parameters are used to generate noise over multiple adjacent volumes. For instance, to create a terrain that exceeds the 2562 size limit.


Example of a 'Mode' value of 0 Example of a 'Mode' value of 1
Mode: 0 Mode: 1


Example of a 'Scale' value of 25 Example of a 'Scale' value of 50 Example of a 'Scale' value of 75
Scale: 25 Scale: 50 Scale: 75


Example of a 'Iterations' value of 1 Example of a 'Iterations' value of 2 Example of a 'Iterations' value of 3
Iterations: 1 Iterations: 2 Iterations: 3


Example of a 'Octaves' value of 1 Example of a 'Octaves' value of 2 Example of a 'Octaves' value of 3
Octaves: 1 Octaves: 2 Octaves: 3
Example of a 'Octaves' value of 4 Example of a 'Octaves' value of 5 Example of a 'Octaves' value of 6
Octaves: 4 Octaves: 5 Octaves: 6


Example of a 'Contrast' value of 30 Example of a 'Contrast' value of 50 Example of a 'Contrast' value of 70
Contrast: 30 Contrast: 50 Contrast: 70


Example of a 'Shift' value of 20 Example of a 'Shift' value of 40
Shift: 20 Shift: 40
Example of a 'Shift' value of 60 Example of a 'Shift' value of 80
Shift: 60 Shift: 80


Example of a 'Gain' value of 50 Example of a 'Gain' value of 65 Example of a 'Gain' value of 80
Gain: 50 Gain: 65 Gain: 80


Example of a 'Lucanarity' value of 0 Example of a 'Lucanarity' value of 100
Lucanarity: 0 Lucanarity: 100
Example of a 'Lucanarity' value of 200 Example of a 'Lucanarity' value of 300
Lucanarity: 200 Lucanarity: 300


Example of a 'Noise' value of 0 Example of a 'Noise' value of 50 Example of a 'Noise' value of 100
Noise: 0 Noise: 50 Noise: 100


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